HTML base

Do not worry about the examples in this chapter, you have not learned,

In the following sections you will learn them.

HTML title

HTML headings (Heading) by <h1> - <h6> tags to define.


<H1> This is a heading </ h1> <H2> This is a heading </ h2> <H3> This is a heading </ h3>

HTML paragraphs

HTML paragraph tag by <p> defined.


<P> This is a paragraph. </ P> <P> This is another paragraph. </ P>

HTML links

HTML links are defined through the label <a>.


<A href = ""> This is a link </ a>

Tip: to specify links in the href attribute address.

(You will learn more about the properties in a later section of this tutorial).

HTML image

HTML image by tag <img> defined.


<Img src = "w3cschool.png" width = "104" height = "142">

Note: The image name and size of the property in the form provided.