The best Memcached Tutorial Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn feature,Supported languages,Memcached users,

Memcached Tutorial

Memcached is a free and open source, high-performance, distributed memory object caching system.

Memcached is LiveJournal's Danga Interactive's Brad Fitzpatric led the development of a software. It has now become an important factor mixi, hatena, Facebook, Vox, LiveJournal and many other services to improve Web application scalability.

Memcached is a memory-based key-value storage for arbitrary data store small pieces (strings, objects). These data may be a database call, API calls or rendering results page.

Memcached is simple and powerful. Its compact design facilitates rapid development, reducing development effort and solved many problems large amount of data cache. Its API is compatible with most popular development language.

Essentially, it is a simple key-value storage system.

General purpose, by caching database query results, reducing the number of database access, to improve the speed of dynamic Web applications, improve scalability.


Memcached official website: # .


memcached distributed cache server as a high-speed operation, has the following features.

  • Simple protocol
  • Based libevent event processing
  • Built-in memory storage
  • Memcached distributed not communicate with each other

Supported languages

Many languages ​​have realized the connection memcached client, which Perl, PHP based. Only memcached listed on the site are:

  • Perl
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • C #
  • C / C ++
  • Lua
  • and many more

Memcached users

  • LiveJournal
  • Wikipedia
  • Flickr
  • Bebo
  • Twitter
  • Typepad
  • Yellowbot
  • Youtube
  • Craigslist
  • Mixi