XML Schema Reference

XSD elements

element Explanation
all The provisions of sub-elements can appear in any order, each sub-element can occur zero or one time.
annotation annotation element is a top-level element, a predetermined schema annotations.
any So that creators can be extended by an XML document element is not specified by the schema.
anyAttribute So that creators can be extended XML schema document through the property has not been specified.
appInfo Predetermined information element annotation application you want to use.
attribute Define a property.
attributeGroup Attribute group definitions used in complex type definitions.
choice Only allowed <choice> declaration contains an element appears in the containing element.
complexContent Custom extensions or restrictions on a complex type (with mixed content or contain only elements).
complexType Define a complex type.
documentation Defined schema text annotations.
element Custom elements.
extension Extend the existing simpleType or complexType element.
field Provisions XPath expression that defines the value specified for identity constraint.
group Defined group of elements used in complex type definitions.
import Add multiple schema with a different target namespace to a document.
include Add multiple schema with the same target namespace to a document.
key Specify the element or attribute value (or set of values) must be a key within the specified range.
keyref Provisions attribute or element value (or set of values) corresponding to the value of the specified key or unique element.
list The simple type is defined as the value of the specified data type of a list.
notation Central African describe XML document format XML data.
redefine Redefine simple and complex types, groups and attribute groups obtained from external schema files.
restriction Definition of simpleType, simpleContent or complexContent constraints.
schema Define the root element of the schema.
selector Specifies the XPath expression that identifies constraints to select a group of elements.
sequence It requires child elements must appear in order. Each child element can occur from 0 to any number of times.
simpleContent ComplexType element contains extensions or restrictions and does not contain any elements.
simpleType It defines a simple type, a predetermined value constraints, and information about the elements or attributes of the text-only.
union Defining a plurality of collection simpleType definitions.
unique Specifies the attribute or element value (or a combination of attribute or element values) must be unique within the specified range.

XSD defines / Facets

See XSD Limited / Facets

limited description
enumeration Define a list of acceptable values
fractionDigits It defines the maximum allowed number of decimal places. It must be greater than 0.
length Define the exact number of allowed characters or list items. It must be greater than or equal to 0.
maxExclusive Define the upper limit value. Permitted value must be less than this value.
maxInclusive Define the upper limit value. Allowed value must be less than or equal to this value.
maxLength Defines the maximum number of allowed characters or list items. It must be greater than or equal to 0.
minExclusive The lower limit value is defined. The value must be allowed greater than this value.
minInclusive The lower limit value is defined. Allowed value must greater than or equal to this value.
minLength Defines the allowed minimum number of characters or list items. It must be greater than or equal to 0.
pattern Define the exact sequence of acceptable characters.
totalDigits It defines the allowed precision-digit Arabic numerals. It must be greater than 0.
whiteSpace The definition of white space characters (line breaks, carriage returns, tabs and spaces) are handled.