Eclipse Window Description

Eclipse workbench (Workbench)

First, let us look at the Eclipse workbench user interface, and various components inside it.

Workbench is a collection of multiple windows. Each window contains a menu bar, toolbar, shortcut bar, as well as one or more perspectives.

Eclipse Window Description

A perspective is a view that contains a series of content editors and visual container.

View entirely in a perspective view and can not be shared, and any open content editor can be shared between perspective.

If two or more open perspective view of the same, they share the same instance of this view, although the layout between the different perspective views may differ.

For a different perspective view of the workbench window, editors and views are not shared.

A perspective view is like a book inside page. It exists in a window, and other perspectives and present together, and, like a book, every time you see only one perspective.

Workbench main menu bar typically include File, Edit, Navigate, Project, Window, Help the top menu.

Other top-level menus are located between the Edit and Project menu, context-sensitive and often, this context includes the current active perspective, the top editor and event view.

In the File menu, you can find a New submenu, which includes Project, Folder, File create menu items.

File menu also contains Import and Export menu item is used to import the file into Wrokbench in, and export them.

In the Edit menu, you can find like Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete commands. These commands are called global commands, acting on the moving parts.

That is, if you use the Delete command when Navigator activities, the actual operation is done by the Navigator.

In the Project menu, you can find project-related commands, such as Open Project, Close Project and Rebuild Porject like.

In the Run menu, you can see and run, debug application code related to command, and to start as Ant script such external tools.

In the Window menu, you can find Open Perspective submenu, open different perspectives according to need your development tasks.

You can also see a perspective view layout management menu bar. Show View submenu to increase in view of the current Workbench window.

In addition, you can modify the Preferences menu item to configure preferences for the table function.

If you are a plugin developer, you can provide a new platform for the views, editors, wizards, menus and tool items. These things are defined using XML, after plug Once registered, you can and assembly platforms already exist to integrate seamlessly.

Eclipse multi-window

Eclipse can also open multiple windows in the menu bar, select: Window -> New Window to open multiple windows.

Switching a plurality of windows you can use Alt + Tab back and forth cut.