W3C vocabulary and glossary

A word beginning with the letter

English Chinese
abstract module Abstract modules
access Access, Access
access control Access control
access control information Access Control Information
access mechanism Access mechanism
access rights Access
accessibility Accessibility
accessibility information Web Accessibility Information
accessibility problem Web Accessibility Problems
accessible Accessibility
accessible authoring practice Accessible Creative Practice
acquired infoset Get information collection
ACSS (Audio cascading style sheets) ACSS (Audio class Style Sheets)
activate Enable
active grammar Grammar in use
active perceivable unit Use of visual elements
activity activity
actor Character
adaptation Adapt, adjust
adaptation preferences Adaptation Preferences
additional characters Additional characters
advisory board Consultation Standing Committee
advisory committee Advisory Committee
age life
agent proxy
aggregated authored units Integrated creation unit
aggregation integrated
alert Warning (signal)
alpha alpha
alpha compaction alpha compression, transparency
alpha separation alpha separation
alpha table alpha table
alternative information Alternative News
amaya amaya
ancestor Ancestors, predecessors node
anchor Anchor
ancillary chunk Auxiliary block / block
animation Animation
annotation Note
anonymity Anonymity
antecedent premise
apache apache
applet applet (applet)
application Apps,
application personalization App Personalization
application programming interface (API), conventional input / output / device API Application programming interface (API), general-purpose input / output / device API
arc arc
architecture Architecture
argument parameter
artifact object
ASR Automatic Speech Recognition
assertion assertion
assistive technology Assistive Technology
asynchronous Unsynchronized
asynchronous exchange Asynchronous switching
at user option User-selectable
atomic atomic
atomic test Atomic Testing
attribute Attributes
attribute name Property name
attribute specifications Property Specification
attribute value Property Value
attribute, or CC / PP attribute CC / PP attribute
attribute-list declarations Attribute list declaration
audio Audio, audio
audio description Audio description
audio track Tracks
audio-only presentation Audio demo
audit guard Audit Protection Mechanism
auditory description Auditory description
authentication Authentication
author Author
author styles On Style
authored unit Creation unit
authoring creation
authoring tool Authoring Tools
authorization Authorize
axis Coordinate axis

In words beginning with the letter B

English Chinese
back link Back Links / Links
background image interference Background image disturbance
backward compatible Backward compatibility
base text Base text
baseline Baseline
basic readability Basic Readability
binding Binding, tying
binding expression Binding expression
bit depth Color Depth
black box Black box
bopomofo Bopomofo
bot Auto Agent
bounding box Bounding box area frame
box box
braille Braille
bridge Bridge
browser Browser
button Push button
byte Bytes
byte order Byte order

In words beginning with the letter C

English Chinese
cache Cache
cacheable Can be cached
Candidate Recommendation (CR) Candidate Recommendation (CR)
capability performance
captions subtitle
card Cards, cards
cascading style sheets (CSS) Class style sheets (CSS)
catch element catch element
CC / PP processor CC / PP processor
CC / PP repository CC / PP Datastore
CDATa sections CDATa section
certification Certification, credentials
chair Chaired President (Group)
chairman Chairman
channel aisle
character Character
character data Character Information
character data (CDATa) Character data (CDATa)
character encoding Character encoding
character or expression depth Depth of character or expression
character or expression height Character or expression height
character or expression width Character or expression width
character reference Character reference
check for an examination
child Child (element)
child Child (node)
choice select
choreography (Webservice) choreography
chromaticity (CIE) Chromaticity (CIE)
chunk Data block, block
class category
class definition Category Definitions
class description Category Description
class name classification name
class of products Product Category
click-stream Click stream, click the Stream
client Client
collapse Fold
collated text transcript Sequentially written records, transcript
colour type Color type, color type
comm Communications, telecommunications
comments Notes and Comments
complete complete
complex ruby markup Complex ruby ​​markup
compliance consistency
component Module
composite (verb) Combination, complexation
computed expression Calculated expression
concept concept
condition condition
conditional content Conditions content
conditional sections Conditions section
confidentiality Confidentiality
confidentiality Confidentiality, secrecy
configuration Configuration
configure, control Configuration, control
conformance consistency
conformance clause Conformance clause
conformance level Conformance Level
conformance testing Conformance Testing
conforming document Consistency file
connection (Internet connection
consequent Conclusions The results
consistent Consistent
constraint limit
contained (element a is contained in B) Contained in the (element A contained in the element B)
container (Constructor) Container (Constructor)
containing document Container file
content content
content developer Content Developer
content elements Content elements
content generation Content generation
content model Content Model
content negotiation Content Negotiation
content provider Content providers
content selection Content Selection
content set Content set
content token element Content token element
context (of a given mathML expression) (Given mathML expression) context, justice
context node Context node, the node for justice
context position Context position, the position of justice
context size Context size, the size of justice
contradictory behaviors Contradictory behavior
control control
control item Control Project
convenience convenient
conversation Conversation
conversion tool Conversion Tool
COO Chief Operating Officer, Chief Operating Officer
cookie cookie
correct correct
credentials Credentials, credentials
critical chunk Key data blocks / block
CSS (Cascading style sheets) CSS (stylesheet class)
CSS W3C cascading style sheet specification CSS W3C class style sheet specifications
cyberspace Cyberspace, cyberspace
cyc cyc (Knowledge Representation Project)

In words beginning with the letter D

English Chinese
daemon Independent daemon
data category Information Type
data element Data elements
data model Information Model
data resource Information Resources
data schema Information Checklist
data set Data Set
data structure Data structure
data -valued property Data Type Properties
database database
datastream Data stream
datatype Information Type
datatype property Data Type Properties
date space Gang chronological station area
decideable Decidable
declaration Declare
declared It has been declared
decomposition break down
deepest The deepest
default Preset
default namespace Default Namespace
deferred request authentication Postponement request verification
defining required attributes Define the necessary attributes
defining the type of attribute values Property Value Type definitions
deflate deflate (A compression algorithm)
delivered image Image transfer is complete
delivery context Transmission context transfer justice
delivery policy Transfer policy
delivery unit Transfer Unit
deprecated Deprecated
deprecated feature Deprecated features
depth depth
dereference a URI Revisit URI
descendant Child node
descendants Child node
device equipment
device independent Device independent
device-independence Device Independent
dialog dialogue
digital rights management Digital / Digital Rights Management
digital signature Digital signature, digital signature
dimensions of variability (DoV) Dimensional variation (DoV)
direct sub-expression (of a mathML expression of) Direct sub-expression (mathML expression)
directly contained (element a in B) (A) directly contained in (B)
director Leaders Commissioner
discovery explore
discovery service Exploration Services
discretionary choices Arbitrary choice
discretionary item Any item
document file
document character set Document character set
document content, structure, and presentation Document content, structure, expression
document entity Document entity
document language File language
document model File model
document object model Document Object Model
document object, document File objects, file
document order File order
document profile Settings file
document source, text source Documentary sources, source text
document style semantics and specification language (DSSSL ) File Style Semantics and Specification Language (DSSSL)
document tree File Tree
document type file type
document type declaration Document type declaration
document type definition (DTD) Document Type Definition (DTD)
documentation reference document
DOM (Document object model) DOM (Document Object Model)
DOM (Document object model, see http://www.w3.org/DOM/) DOM (Document Object Model)
DOM level 0 DOM level 0
domain Domain
domain name Domain Name
driver Driver
DTD Document Type Definition (DTD)
DTD-determined ID DTD determination ID
DTMF (Dual tone multi-Frequency) DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency)
dublin core Dublin Core
dynamic content Dynamic Content
dynamic HTML (DHTML) Dynamic HTML (DHTML)

In words beginning with the letter E

English Chinese
early normalization Early standardization
ease of parsing and serializing: Simplify analysis and serialization
EBT (Electronic book technology) E-book technology
eCMAScript eCMAScript
EDI (Electronic data interchange) EDI (electronic data interchange)
editing view Edit view
electronic data interchange (EDI) Electronic data interchange (EDI)
element element
element content Element content
element name Element Name
element type Element Type
element type declaration Element type declaration
element, element type Element, the element type
elements element
embed Embed
embedded object Embedded objects
Embedded Web request Embedded Web requests
embellished operator Modified operator
empty air
empty-element tag Empty-element tag
enabled element, disabled element Enabling elements disabled element
encryption encryption
end point end
end-tag End tag
ending resource End resources
enquire enquire (program name)
entail Derivation
entities entity
entity entity
entity reference Entity Reference
enumerated attributes Enumerate properties include properties
episode plot
equable practice Equivalent practice
equivalent equivalent
equivalent (for content) (Content) is equivalent to
error error
error correction Error Correction
error recovery Bug fixes
escape Escape
event event
events and scripting, event handler, event type Event and script, event handlers, event type
executable content Executable content
expanded name Expansion / extension name
expanded-name Expansion / extension name
explicit expiration time Explicit expiration time
explicit user request Explicit user request
Explicit Web request Explicit Web requests
explicitly undefined behaviors Explicit undefined behavior
extended language Extended Language
extended link Extended Links / Links
extended links Extended Links / Links
extending pre-defined elements Extended predefined elements
extensible Scalable
extensible markup language (XML) Extensible Markup Language (XML)
extensible style language (XSL) Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)
extension expansion
extensional Epitaxial
external External
external entity External entity
external markup declaration External tag declaration
externally-determined ID External ID can be determined

In words beginning with the letter F

English Chinese
facet Faceted
facilities facility
fatal error Fatal Error
feature Characteristics, features, functions
fellow researcher
fences brackets
FIa (Form interpretation algorithm) FIa (table explains the algorithm)
filter filter
filtering filter
first node rule The first node rule
first-hand Firsthand
flexible authoring Flexible creation
focus of attention Focus
focus, content focus, user interface focus, current focus Focus, focus the content, user interface focus, the current focus
following element Successor element
font Fonts
for compatibility For compatibility
for interoperability For interoperability
form form
form control Form Control
form item Form project
form item variable Form project variables
formal regular
fragment identifier Fragment identifier
fragmentation Fragment
frame buffer Frame buffer
fresh Unexpired
freshness lifetime Validity
FTF Facing each other
functional adaptation Functional adaptation
functional user experience Function User Experience

In words beginning with the letter G

English Chinese
gamma gamma
gateway Gate
general entities General entity
generic identifier Universal Identifier
GIF (Graphics interchange format) GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
GILC (Global internet liberty campaign) GILC (Global Internet liberalization movement)
glossary of terms for device independence Device-independent Glossary
glyph Font
good practice Good practice
graphical Graphic
graphics Graph
greyscale Gray, gray
group ruby Group ruby

In words beginning with the letter H

English Chinese
harmonized adaptation Coordination of adaptation
harmonized user experience Coordination user experience
height height
heuristic expiration time Heuristic expiration time
highlight Highlights
hint prompt
hiragana Hiragana
host Host computer
host Sponsor
host language Primary language
host page Main page, the home page
HTML (Hypertext markup language) HTML (HTML)
HTTP (Hypertext transfer protocol) HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol)
HTTP client HTTP client
HTTP gateway HTTP Gate
HTTP payload entity HTTP payload entity
HTTP proxy HTTP proxy
HTTP representation HTTP represents
HTTP request HTTP request
HTTP response HTTP response
HTTP server HTTP server
hybrid document Blends as file
hyperlink Hyperlinks / Links
hypermedia Hypermedia
hypertext Hypertext

In words beginning with the letter I

English Chinese
idempotent Identical
identical equal
identified data Identified data
identifier Identifier
ideograph Ideographic characters (such as Chinese character)
iff If and only if, if and only if
image Images, graphics,
image data Image Information
image map Image maps
implementation Implementation, implementation
implementation conformance statement (ICS) Implementation Conformance Statement (ICS)
implementation platform Implementation platform
Implicit Web request Implicit Web requests
important important
imports closure Import Closures
inbound Flow into
inbound / outbound Inflow / outflow
include location Include location
include parent Contains the parent (project)
included It contains
included items Project included
inclusion target It contains the target
inconsistent Inconsistent
independent web Independent website
index index
indexed-colour Indexed color
indexical Index
indexing index
indirectly contained Indirectly includes
individual individual
individual-valued property Individual Value property
infer reasoning
inform Notice
information resource Information Resources
information set Information collection
information space Information Space
informative Informative
informative text Reference Text
initial SOAP sender Initial SOAP sender
input configuration Input Configuration
input item Enter the project
input modalities Input modality
INRIa (Institut national de recherche en infomatique et automatique) INRIa (French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation)
instance Examples
instance data Examples of data
instance data node Examples of data nodes
instance of (Category) Examples
instance of mathML Examples of mathML
instantiate Example
integrity Integrity
intensional Meaning
interaction Interaction, interactive
interactive element, non-interactive element Interactive elements, non-interactive elements
interlaced PNG image Interlaced PNG image
internal Internal
internal entity Internal entity
internationalized resource identifier Internationalized Resource Identifier
internet Internet, Internet
interoperability Interoperability
interpretation Interpretation, understanding
intranet Intranet
intrinsic dimensions Inherent dimension
inverse function Inverse function
IP (Internet protocol) IP (Internet Protocol)
IPR (Intellectual property rights) IPR (Intellectual Property Rights)
IRC IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
IRI reference IRI reference
ISO (International standards organization) ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
ISP (Internet service provider) ISP (Internet Service Provider)

In words beginning with the letter J

English Chinese
java java (programming language)
jigsaw jigsaw (server)
JPEG (Joint photographic experts group) JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group): An image encoding format
JSGF JSGF (Java API Speech Grammar Format)

In words beginning with the letter K

English Chinese
kana <Date> Kana
kanji <Date> Japanese Kanji
katakana <Date> (Japanese alphabet) Katakana
keio university Keio University (Japan)
key Key, key, key
key binding Key bindings
key location Key Location
key management Key Management
key name Key Name
key validation Key Authentication

In words beginning with the letter L

English Chinese
lambda expression Lambda expressions
language binding Language Bindings
language identifier Language Identifier
late normalization Standardization postponed
layout schema (plural: schemata) Layout Checklist
LCS (Laboratory for computer science) LCS (Laboratory for Computer Science)
LEAD (Live early adoption and demonstration) LEAD (early adopters and demonstration policy)
level Level layer
lexical space Lexical space
libwww libwww (WWW-related program module library)
line-mode (Command) line mode
line-mode browser (Command) line mode browser
linearized table Linear Form
link Links / Links
link text Link / link description text
linkbases Link / Linkbases
linking element Link / link element
list List
literal literal
literal entity value Literal entity value
live In use
local name Local name
local part Local section
local resource Local Resources
logic logic
longfellow longfellow (W3C teleconference line 24 connector)
loose coupling Loosely coupled
lossless compression Lossless compression
lossy compression Lossy compression
luminance brightness
LZ77 LZ77 (data compression algorithm)

In words beginning with the letter M

English Chinese
machine understandable Machine-understandable
manageable service Managed Services
management management
management capability Management capacity
management interface Management Interface
management policy Management Policy
management semantics Semantic Management
Manifestation Characterization
MARC record MARC records (MARC records)
markup mark
markup declaration Mark declaration
markup language Markup Language
markup model Marking model
match match
mathematical markup language (MathML) Mathematical Markup Language (MathML)
mathML element mathML element
mathML expression (within some valid mathML mathML expression
may can
media type media type
member member
menu Menu
message message
message correlation Message Correlation
message exchange pattern (MEP) Message exchange pattern (MEP)
message receiver Message recipients
message reliability Reliability message
message sender Message Sender
message transport Message transmission
meta - Yuan (prefix denotes a thing used in its own)
metadata Metadata
metaphysical Metaphysical
micropayments Micropayment, micropayments
minimal constraint, principle of Principle of least constraint
MIT (Massachusetts institute of technology) MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
mixed content Blends as content
mixed initiative Muddy drive fit
modality Modal
model binding expression Model binding expression
model item Model Project
model item property Model Project Properties
model theory Model Theory
modularization Modular
modularization model Modular Model
module Module
monoruby Single ruby
monotonic monotonous
mosaic mosaic (first appeared on the Internet Web browser)
multi-purpose internet mail extensions (MIME) Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)
multiple authoring Diversification Creation
must have to
mystic mystic (W3C teleconference line connector 6)

In words beginning with the letter N

English Chinese
name Name, first name
named class Named category
namespace Namespaces
namespace document Command file name space
namespace name Namespace name
namespace prefix Namespace prefix
namespace-valid Namespace effective
namespace-validating Namespace validation
namespace-well-formed Namespace well-formed
natural language natural language
navigation Tour
navigation bars Navigation Bar
navigation mechanism Navigation Mechanism
NCSa (National center for supercomputing applications) NCSa (US National Center for Supercomputing Applications Computing Center)
negotiate content The negotiation
negotiation metadata Negotiation metadata
nelson, ted nelson, ted
net Internet (Internet)
network byte order Network byte order
new new
neXT neXT (company name)
NNTP (Network news transfer protocol) NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol)
node node
non-repudiation Repudiation
non-variant content No difference in content
none no
nonmonotonic Nonmonotonic
normative Normative
normative text Specification text
normative, informative Normative, informative
notation declarations Sign declaration
notations Symbols, notation
note notes

In words beginning with the letter O

English Chinese
object object
object property Object Properties
obligation obligation
obsolete feature Deprecated features
occurs as attribute value As property values ​​appear
office office
onLoad onLoad
onRequest onRequest
ontological Ontology
ontology Ontology, ontology
ontology document Ontology file
open source Open Source
openMath openMatch
operating environment Operating environment
operation operating
operator, an mo element Operator, a mo element
operator, content element Operator -> operator, content elements
optional optional
optional behaviors Alternatively behavior
optional features Optional function
orchestration Arrange
origin server Ursprunglich server
other other
otherwise otherwise
outbound Outflow
output modalities Output mode
override Overloading, rewrite
OWL class OWL category
OWL Web Ontology Language Guide OWL Web Ontology Language Guide

In words beginning with the letter P

English Chinese
packet Package, packet
page view Page view
palette Palette
parameter entities Parameter entity
parameter entity Parameter entity
parameter-entity references Parameter entity reference
parent Parent (node)
parent document type Parent File Types
parsed character data (PCDATa) The parsed character data (PCDATa)
parsed entity The parsed entity
parsed entity's The parsed entities
parsing Resolve
partial understanding Part understand
partially selected Most choose
participate participate
pass extraction Stage capture
pass phrase key Passkey
path path
payload security Load safety
perceivable unit Perceivable unit
permission license
permission guard License protection mechanisms
person or organization Individuals or organizations
personal digital assistant (PDa) Handheld computers, electronic palm (PDa)
PGP (Pretty good privacy) PGP
physical transducer Physical converter
PICS (Platform form PICS
pixel Pixels
PKC (public key cryptography) PKC (Public Key Cryptography)
PKI (Public key infrastructure) PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)
placeholder Placeholder
plug-in Plug
PNG (Portable network graphics) PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
PNG datastream PNG data stream
PNG decoder PNG decoder
PNG editor PNG editor
PNG encoder PNG encoder
PNG file PNG file eucalyptus
PNG four-byte signed integer PNG four-byte unsigned integer
PNG four-byte unsigned integer PNG four-byte unsigned integer
PNG image PNG image
PNG signature PNG signing / signature
point point
point of regard Fixation
pointer index
pointer part Indicators section
policy policy
policy guard Protection policy
practice practice
pre-defined function Predefined functions
preceding element Preamble element
preference Preferences
presentation elements The expression elements
presentation layout schema Expression Layout Checklist
presentation markup Expression mark
presentation token element Expressing the marker element
preserve maintain
principal Main entities
principal node type The primary node type
principle principle
priority 1 (P1) Priority 1 (P1)
priority 2 (P2) Priority 2 (P2)
priority 3 (P3) Priority 3 (P3)
privacy Privacy
privacy policy Privacy Policy
process Process, process
processing instructions Data processing instructions
profile Settings file
profiling Settings file
prompt Cue to enter
proof of possession (POP) Proof of ownership (POP)
properties, values, and defaults Property, and preset
property Attributes
property definition Attribute definition
Proposed Edited Recommendation Proposed Recommendation Corrected
Proposed Recommendation (PR) Proposed Recommendation (PR)
proposition Proposition
protection protection
protocol Agreements and treaties
provider agent Agent Suppliers
provider entity Supplier entity
proximity position Approximate location
proxy Agent, proxy
public identifier Public identifier
publish Publication, publishing
publisher announcer
purpose Purpose, intention

In words beginning with the letter Q

English Chinese
qualified name Qualified Name
qualified names Qualified Name
qualifier Qualifier
quality assurance, Qa Quality Assurance
quality of service Quality of service, QoS

In words beginning with the letter R

English Chinese
RDF (Resource description framework) RDF (resource description framework)
RDF resource RDF resources
reader reader
reading Pronunciation, reading method
receiver Recipients
recognize Recognition
recommendation Recommended, Recommended Standards
reduced image Through simplified image
reference architecture Reference Architecture
reference image Reference image
reference in attribute value Property Value Reference
reference in content Content Reference
reference in DTD DTD reference
reference in entity value Entity reference value
registry Registration
reify Embody
relation relationship
remote resource Remote resources
render Rendering, display
rendered content Rendered content / display
rendered content, rendered text Rendered content / display, text
rendering Rendering, display
rendering preferences Render / display preferences
repair content, repair text Fixes
replace replace
replaced element Replaced elements
replacement text Replace Text
repository Database, file eucalyptus library
representation Show
request Request to
requester agent Requestor agent
requester entity The requesting party entity
Rescinded Recommendation Obsolete Recommendation
reserved reserved
resource Resources
resource error Resource Error
resource manifestation Characterization of resources
response In response, response
restriction constraint
restriction, global Global Constraint
restriction, local Local Constraints
result infoset Results Information Set
results verification The results confirmed
reverse document order Reverse file
RFC (Request for comments) RFC (comments)
RGB merging RGB Merge
root root
RPC (remote procedure call) RPC (remote procedure call)
RSa RSa (encryption algorithm)
ruby text Ruby

In words beginning with the letter S

English Chinese
safe safe
safe interaction Safety deposit households
safe zone Security zone
sample sample
sample depth Sampling depth
sample depth scaling Sampling depth map
satisfy Satisfy
scanline Scan line
schema Checklist
schema (pl., schemata) Checklist
schema constraint Mesh constraint
schema representation constraint Schema representation constraint
schema, RDF schema Outline, RDF schema
schema -determined ID Identified by the outline decision
scheme scheme
scope of a declaration Declared valid range
screen magnifier Screen / screen magnifiers
screen reader Screen reader
scribe Taker
script Scripting language, script
secondary resource Secondary resources
security Safety
security administration Security Management
security architecture Security Architecture
security auditing Security Audit
security domain Security domains
security mechanism Security Mechanism
security model Security Model
security policy Security Policy
security policy expression Security policy expression
security service Security Services
selected Selected
selected sub-expression (of an maction element) (Maction elements) is selected subexpression
selection, current selection Select the current selection
semantic Semantics
semantic requirement Semantic requirements (with the "test assertions")
semantic web Semantic Web
semantically transparent Semantic transparency
sender sender
separation of form from content Content in the form of phase separation
serial access, sequential navigation Sequential access, sequential navigation
server Server, server-side program wait
server session Server session
service service
service description Service Description
service interface Service Interface
service intermediary Service Broker
service provider service provider
service provider (Data controller, legal entity ) Service Provider (data administrator, legal entity)
service requester Service requester
service role Services Role
service semantics Service semantics
service-oriented architecture Service-oriented architecture
session session
set set
SGML (Standard generalized markup language) SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)
shall have to
should should
sibling brothers
simple link Simple link / link
simple links Simple link / link
simple ruby markup Simple ruby ​​markup
single authoring Single creation
site maps Sitemap
size and color of non-text content Size and color non-text content
SMIL (Synchronized multimedia integration language) SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language)
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
SOAP application SOAP application software
SOAP binding SOAP Binding
SOAP body SOAP body
SOAP envelope SOAP envelope
SOAP fault SOAP error
SOAP feature SOAP function
SOAP header SOAP header
SOAP header block SOAP header block
SOAP intermediary SOAP intermediary
SOAP message SOAP Message
SOAP message exchange pattern (MEP) SOAP message exchange pattern (MEP)
SOAP message path SOAP message path
SOAP module SOAP module
SOAP node SOAP nodes
SOAP receiver SOAP receiver
SOAP role SOAP role
SOAP sender SOAP sender
sophia sophia (Names: Sophia -Antipolis)
source document Source File
source image Source image
source infoset Source information collection
space-like (MathML expression) Spacelike (MathML expression)
specification specification
speech voice
speech synthesis Speech Synthesis
SRGS (Speech recognition grammar specification) SRGS (Speech Recognition Grammar Specification)
SSML (Speech synthesis markup language) SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language)
stale Old, obsolete
standard standard
standard generalized markup language (SGML) Standard Generalized Markup Language
start-tag Start tag
starting resource Initiated resource
state status
statement statement
strict conformance Strictly consistent
string identity matching Character string matching
string indexing Character string index
string-value Character string values
structural markup Structured markup
style sheet Stylesheet
style sheets Stylesheet
sub-expression (of a mathML expression) Subexpression (mathML expression)
subdialog Child dialogue
submission Documents submitted
subset language A subset of the language
subsite Stations
suggested rendering rules for mathML presentation elements Recommended mathML expression element rendering / display rules
supersite Parent Station
support, implement, conform Support, implementation, in line with
supported Support, support
SVG (Scalable vector graphics) SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
synchronize Synchronize
synchronous Synchronous
synthesis processor Synthesis processor
system entity System entities
system identifier System identifier
sysWeb sysWeb (W3C Systems Network Group)

In words beginning with the letter T

English Chinese
tables of contents table of Contents
tabular information Tabular information
tag label
TAG Technical Architecture Group
tangle tangle (program name)
tapered prompts Tapered style tips
TCP (Transmission control protocol) TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
team team
technical architecture group Technical Architecture Group
technical report Technical Reports
term taken verbatim from another source Followed verbatim from other sources vocabulary
test area Sandbox
test assertion Test assertions
test case Eucalyptus test cases
test framework Testing Framework
test purpose Testing purposes
test requirement Test requirements, test assertions
test suite Test Set
testability Testability
text text
text content, non-text content Text, non-text content
text decoration Text-decoration
text transcript Text Transcript
text-To-Speech TTS
the empty string Empty string
third-party Third-party
throw Throw out
time parameters Time parameters
TLS Transport Layer Security
tobin tobin (names: MauriceJ.Tobin)
token mark
token element Tag elements
tokenized Tokenized
top-level element (of mathML) (MathML's) highest level element
top-level included items The highest level contains the project
topology Topology
tracing track
transaction transaction
transcript transcript
transformation Conversion, conversion
traversal Traversal
triple Triad
truecolour Full Color
trust service Trust services
TTS TTS (Text to Speech)
tunnel aisle
type Types of
typeface Fonts

In words beginning with the letter U

English Chinese
UCS Universal Character Set
UI or action binding expression Expression or action binding user interface
ultimate SOAP receiver Ultimate SOAP receiver
unconditional conformance Unconditionally comply
uniform resource identifier Uniform Resource Identifier
uniform resource identifier (URI) Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
union Joint, combined
universe Global, universal
unnamed class Unnamed category
unparsed entity Analysis of non-entities
unsafe interaction Unsafe interaction
unspecified Unspecified
upstream / downstream Upstream / downstream
URI Uniform Resource Identifier
URI (Universal resource identifier) URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)
URI aliases URI aliases
URI collision URI conflict
URI ownership URI ownership
URI persistence URI Perseverance
URI reference URI reference
URL Uniform Resource Locator
URL (Uniform resource locator) URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
usage auditing Using the Audit
usage scenario scenes to be used
use Use, using
use case Example
user User, users
user agent User Agent, useragent
user agent (Ua) User agent, Ua
user agent default styles User agent default styles
user agent profile User agent profile
user control of every user interface component Each user interface set up user control
user experience user experience
user experience preferences User Experience Preferences
user interface, user interface control User interface, user interface control
user session User session
user styles User style
User-input Web request Web request user input formula

In words beginning with the letter V

English Chinese
valid Effective
valid mathML data Effective mathML Profile
valid style sheet Valid style sheet
validating processors Verification processor
validation verification
validation rule Validation rules
validation, validate, validating Verification, validation, verification
validator Validator, validator
validity constraint Validity constraint
value space Numerical space
variant Variants
variant content Variable Content
versioning Versioning
video Video, video
view reading
view, viewport Reading, viewing window
viola viola language
virtual hypertext Virtual hypertext
visual track Depending on track
visual-only presentation Pure visual presentation
visualText Visual text
vocabulary vocabulary
voice voice
voice browser Voice Browser
voiceXML document voiceXML file
voiceXML interpreter voiceXML interpretation / interpreter
voiceXML interpreter context voiceXML interpretation / literal environment
VRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language
VRML (Virtual reality modeling language) VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language)

In words beginning with the letter W

English Chinese
W3C (World wide web consortium) W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
W3C recommendation W3C Recommendation
W3C Recommendation (REC) W3C Recommendation (REC)
WAI (Web accessibility initiative) WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative)
WAIS (Wide area information servers) Wide Area Information Service System
web WWW
web agent web proxy
web client web client
web collection web set
web core web core
web neighborhood web neighbors
web page Web page
web page identifier Page identifier
web periphery web Peripherals
web request web request
web request body web request body
web request header web request headers
web resource web resources
web response web response
web response body web response body
web response header web response headers
web server web server
web service web services
web site website
web site publisher Site Publisher
well-formed Well-formed
well-formedness constraint Well-formedness constraint
white point White Point
width (of a box) (Text or graphic box) Width
Working Draft (WD) Working grass Eucalyptus
Working Group Note The Working Group notes
world The world field
world wide web WWW
worldWideWeb (one word; no spaces) Browser
WWW WWW (World Wide Web)

In words beginning with the letter X

English Chinese
xanadu xanadu
xForms model xForms model
xForms processor xForms processor
XLL (eXtensible linking language) XLL (Extensible Linking / link language)
XML (Extensible markup language) XML (Extensible Markup Language)
XML declaration XML declaration
XML document XML file
XML name XML name
XML namespace XML Namespaces
XML processor XML Processor
xML-based format XML-based format
xPointer processor xPointer processor
XSL (Extensible style sheet language) XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language)
XSL formatting objects (XSL FO) XSL formatting objects (XSL FO)
XSL transformation (XSLT) XSL transformation language (XSLT)

In words beginning with the letter Z

English Chinese
zakim zakim (W3C video conferencing)
zlib zlib compression format