Website Host Performance

You must first determine the disk space and traffic you need.

Disk space?

A small or medium site requires at least 10MB to 100MB of disk space.

If only the HTML pages, it's average size is very small. Maybe even less than 1KB. But if you look at the size of the graphics used in the page, you will find that most of the image size is much larger than the page itself.

Plus pictures and other space elements, each page will take 5KB to 50KB server space.

If you plan to use a lot of images or graphic elements (not involving audio and video files), you may need more disk space.

Before you pick provider, first you need to clear disk space.


A small or medium web site requires at least monthly data traffic of 1GB to 5GB.

It can be calculated as follows: average page size multiplied by the expected page views per month. If your average page size is 30KB, expected page views is 50,000 sheets page, you will need 0.03MB x 50,000 = 1.5GB.

Larger commercial sites often consume more than the monthly flow of 100GB.

Before provider contracts with the host, you need to understand the following matters:

  • How much is the monthly traffic limit?
  • If the limit is exceeded, the site will be close?
  • If you exceed the limit, you need to pay extra for it?
  • Host easily upgrade?

Connection Speed

Visitors often use a modem to access your site, but the host provider should have a much faster connection.

In the early Internet, T1 connection was considered a fast connection. Today connection speeds are much faster.

1 byte is equal to 8 bits (number of bits which are used to transport one character), low-speed modems can transport from about 14 000 to 56 000 bits per second (14-56 kilobits per second), that is transmitted per second 2000-7000 character, or about 1-5 text.

A kilobit (Kb) is 1024 bits. A megabit (Mb) is 1024 kilobits. A gigabit (Gb) 1024 megabits.

It is currently being used on the Internet connection speed to:

name connection Per second speed
Modem Analog 14.4-56Kb
D0 Digital (ISDN) 64Kb
T1 Digital 1.55Mb
T3 Digital 43Mb
OC-1 Optical Carrier 52Mb
OC-2 Optical Carrier 156Mb
OC-12 Optical Carrier 622Mb
OC-24 Optical Carrier 1.244Gb
OC-48 Optical Carrier 2.488Gb

Before contract, you can try other sites on the provider's server to communicate with other clients what is good practice.