UTF-8 Latin (AZ) Extended-B

Range: 384-591 decimal, hexadecimal 0180-024F.

If you want to display these characters in HTML, you can use HTML entities in the following table.

If the character is not HTML entities, you can use decimal or hexadecimal reference.


<p>我将显示 &fnof;<p>
<p>我将显示 &#402;<p>
<p>我将显示 &#x0192;<p>

The results are as follows:

我将显示 ƒ
我将显示 ƒ
我将显示 ƒ

character Decimal Hex entity name
ƀ 384 0180 Latin lowercase letter B with a strikethrough
Ɓ 385 0181 Hooked Latin capital letter B
Ƃ 386 0182 With a top bar of the Latin capital letter B
ƃ 387 0183 With a top bar of the Latin lowercase letter B
Ƅ 388 0184 Latin capital letter TONE 6
ƅ 389 0185 Latin lowercase letters TONE 6
Ɔ 390 0186 Latin capital letter O opening
Ƈ 391 0187 Hooked Latin capital letter C
ƈ 392 0188 Hooked Latin lowercase letter C
Ɖ 393 0189 Latin capital letter AFRICAN D
Ɗ 394 018A Hooked Latin capital letter D
Ƌ 395 018B With a top bar of the Latin capital letter D
ƌ 396 018C With a top bar of the Latin lowercase letter D
ƍ 397 018D Inverted inverted Latin lowercase DELTA
Ǝ 398 018E Reversed Latin capital letter E
Ə 399 018F Latin capital letter SCHWA
Ɛ 400 0190 Latin capital letter E opening
Ƒ 401 0191 Latin capital letter F with hook
ƒ 402 0192 & Fnof; Hooked Latin lowercase F
Ɠ 403 0193 Hooked Latin capital letter G
Ɣ 404 0194 Latin capital letter GAMMA
ƕ 405 0195 Latin lowercase letter HV
Ɩ 406 0196 Latin capital letter IOTA
Ɨ 407 0197 Latin capital letter I with strikethrough
Ƙ 408 0198 Hooked Latin capital letter K
ƙ 409 0199 Hooked Latin lowercase letter K
ƚ 410 019A Latin lowercase letter L with the bars
ƛ 411 019B Latin lowercase letter LAMBDA with strikethrough
Ɯ 412 019C Inverted inverted Latin capital letter M
Ɲ 413 019D Latin capital letter N with a left hook
ƞ 414 019E Latin lowercase letters with long leg of N
Ɵ 415 019F Latin capital letter O with a wave-shaped intermediate
Ơ 416 01A0 Latin capital letter O with horn
ơ 417 01A1 Latin small letter O with horn
Ƣ 418 01A2 Latin capital letter OI
ƣ 419 01A3 Latin lowercase letters OI
Ƥ 420 01A4 Hooked Latin capital letter P
ƥ 421 01A5 Hooked Latin lowercase letter P
Ʀ 422 01A6 Latin letter YR
Ƨ 423 01A7 Latin capital letters TONE 2
ƨ 424 01A8 Latin lowercase letters TONE 2
Σ 425 01A9 Latin capital letter ESH
ƪ 426 01AA Inverted Latin alphabet ESH LOOP
ƫ 427 01AB Latin lowercase letter T with palatal hook
Ƭ 428 01AC Hooked Latin capital letter T
ƭ 429 01AD Hooked Latin lowercase letter T
Ʈ 430 01AE Latin capital letter T with retroflex hook
Ư 431 01AF Latin capital letter U with horn
ư 432 01B0 Latin lowercase letters with the horn of U
Ʊ 433 01B1 Latin capital letter UPSILON
Ʋ 434 01B2 Hooked Latin capital letter V
Ƴ 435 01B3 Hooked Latin capital letter Y
ƴ 436 01B4 Hooked Latin lowercase Y
Z 437 01B5 & Imped; Latin capital letter Z with strikethrough
z 438 01B6 Latin lowercase Z with a strikethrough
Ʒ 439 01B7 Latin capital letter EZH
Ƹ 440 01B8 Reversed Latin capital letters EZH
ƹ 441 01B9 Inverted Latin lowercase EZH
ƺ 442 01BA Latin lowercase letters with tails EZH
ƻ 443 01BB Latin alphabet with a strikethrough 2
Ƽ 444 01BC Latin capital letter TONE 5
ƽ 445 01BD Latin lowercase letters TONE 5
ƾ 446 01BE Latin alphabet with a strikethrough inverted GLOTTAL STOP
ƿ 447 01BF Latin alphabet WYNN
| 448 01C0 Latin alphabet DENTAL CLICK
ǁ 449 01C1 Latin alphabet LATERAL CLICK
ǂ 450 01C2 Latin alphabet ALVEOLAR CLICK
! 451 01C3 Latin alphabet RETROFLEX CLICK
DŽ 452 01C4 Latin capital letter with the DZ CARON
DŽ 453 01C5 D Latin uppercase and lowercase letters with the Z CARON
dž 454 01C6 Latin lowercase letters with the DZ CARON
LJ 455 01C7 Latin capital letter LJ
LJ 456 01C8 Latin uppercase letters with lowercase letters J, L
lj 457 01C9 Latin lowercase letter LJ
NJ 458 01CA Latin capital letter NJ
NJ 459 01CB Latin uppercase letters with lowercase letters J, N
nj 460 01CC Latin lowercase NJ
Ǎ 461 01CD Latin capital letter A with the CARON
ǎ 462 01CE Latin lowercase letter A with the CARON
Ǐ 463 01CF Latin capital letter I with the CARON
ǐ 464 01D0 Latin lowercase letters with the I CARON
Ǒ 465 01D1 Latin capital letter O with the CARON
ǒ 466 01D2 Latin small letter O with the CARON
Ǔ 467 01D3 Latin capital letter U with the CARON
ǔ 468 01D4 Latin lowercase letters with the U CARON
Ǖ 469 01D5 With DIAERESIS (note) and MACRON (macron) Latin capital letter U
ǖ 470 01D6 Latin small letter U with DIAERESIS (note) and MACRON (macron) of
Ǘ 471 01D7 With DIAERESIS (note) and ACUTE (acute accent) Latin capital letter U
ǘ 472 01D8 With DIAERESIS (note) and ACUTE (acute accent) Latin lowercase letter U
Ǚ 473 01D9 Latin capital letter with DIAERESIS (note) and the U CARON
ǚ 474 01DA With DIAERESIS (note) and Latin lowercase letter U CARON
Ǜ 475 01DB Latin capital letter U with DIAERESIS (note) and GRAVE (accents) of
ǜ 476 01DC Latin small letter U with DIAERESIS (note) and GRAVE (accents) of
ǝ 477 01DD Inverted inverted Latin lowercase letter E
Ǟ 478 01DE Latin capital letter A with DIAERESIS (note) and MACRON (macron) of
ǟ 479 01DF Latin lowercase letter A with DIAERESIS (note) and MACRON (macron) of
Ǡ 480 01E0 And with a little top MACRON (macron) Latin capital letter A
ǡ 481 01E1 And with a little top MACRON (macron) Latin lowercase letter A
Ǣ 482 01E2 Latin capital letters AE with MACRON (macron) of
ǣ 483 01E3 Latin lowercase letters AE with MACRON (macron) of
Ǥ 484 01E4 Latin capital letter G with strikethrough
ǥ 485 01E5 Latin lowercase letters with a strikethrough line G
Ǧ 486 01E6 Latin capital letter G with the CARON
ǧ 487 01E7 Latin lowercase letters with the G CARON
Ǩ 488 01E8 Latin capital letter K with the CARON
ǩ 489 01E9 Latin lowercase letters with the K CARON
Ǫ 490 01EA Latin capital letter O with the OGONEK
ǫ 491 01EB Latin small letter O with the OGONEK
Ǭ 492 01EC Latin capital letter O with OGONEK and MACRON (macron) of
ǭ 493 01ED Latin small letter O with OGONEK and MACRON (macron) of
Ǯ 494 01EE Latin capital letter EZH with the CARON
ǯ 495 01EF Latin lowercase EZH with the CARON
ǰ 496 01F0 Latin lowercase letters with the J CARON
DZ 497 01F1 Latin capital letter DZ
DZ 498 01F2 Latin capital letter D with a lowercase letter Z
dz 499 01F3 Latin lowercase letter DZ
Ǵ 500 01F4 Latin capital letter with ACUTE (acute accent) of G
ǵ 501 01F5 & Gacute; Latin lowercase letters with ACUTE (acute accent) of G
Ƕ 502 01F6 Latin capital letter HWAIR
Ƿ 503 01F7 Latin capital letter WYNN
Ǹ 504 01F8 Latin capital letter with GRAVE (accents) of N
ǹ 505 01F9 Latin lowercase letters with GRAVE (accents) of N
Ǻ 506 01FA Latin capital letter A with a circle on top and with a ACUTE (acute accent) of
ǻ 507 01FB Latin lowercase letter A with a circle on top and with a ACUTE (acute accent) of
Ǽ 508 01FC Latin capital letters AE with ACUTE (acute accent) of
ǽ 509 01FD Latin lowercase letters AE with ACUTE (acute accent) of
Ǿ 510 01FE Latin capital letter O with a strikethrough and ACUTE (acute accent) of
ǿ 511 01FF Latin small letter O with a strikethrough and ACUTE (acute accent) of
Ȁ 512 0200 Latin capital letter A with a double accent (DOUBLE GRAVE) of
ȁ 513 0201 Latin lowercase letter A with a double accent (DOUBLE GRAVE) of
Ȃ 514 0202 Short weak note with inverted (BREVE) Latin capital letter A
ȃ 515 0203 Short weak note with inverted (BREVE) Latin lowercase letter A
Ȅ 516 0204 Latin capital letter E with a double accent (DOUBLE GRAVE) of
ȅ 517 0205 Latin small letter E with a double accent (DOUBLE GRAVE) of
Ȇ 518 0206 Short weak note with inverted (BREVE) Latin capital letter E
ȇ 519 0207 Short weak note with inverted (BREVE) Latin lowercase letter E
Ȉ 520 0208 Latin capital letter I with a double accent (DOUBLE GRAVE) of
ȉ 521 0209 Latin lowercase letters with a double accent (DOUBLE GRAVE) of I
Ȋ 522 020A Short weak note with inverted (BREVE) Latin capital letter I
ȋ 523 020B Short weak note with inverted (BREVE) of the lowercase Latin I
Ȍ 524 020C Latin capital letter O with a double accent (DOUBLE GRAVE) of
ȍ 525 020D Latin small letter O with a double accent (DOUBLE GRAVE) of
Ȏ 526 020E Short weak note with inverted (BREVE) Latin capital letter O
ȏ 527 020F Short weak note with inverted (BREVE) Latin lowercase letter O
Ȑ 528 0210 Latin capital letter R with dual tone symbol (DOUBLE GRAVE) of
ȑ 529 0211 Latin lowercase letter R with dual tone symbol (DOUBLE GRAVE) of
Ȓ 530 0212 Short weak note with inverted (BREVE) Latin capital letter R
ȓ 531 0213 Short weak note with inverted (BREVE) Latin lowercase letter R
Ȕ 532 0214 Latin capital letter with a double accent (DOUBLE GRAVE) of U
ȕ 533 0215 Latin lowercase letters with a double accent (DOUBLE GRAVE) of U
Ȗ 534 0216 Short weak note with inverted (BREVE) Latin capital letter U
ȗ 535 0217 Short weak note with inverted (BREVE) Latin lowercase letter U
Ş 536 0218 Latin capital letter at the bottom with commas S
ş 537 0219 Latin lowercase letter S at the bottom with a comma
Ţ 538 021A Latin capital letter T at the bottom with a comma
ţ 539 021B Latin lowercase letter T at the bottom with a comma
Ȝ 540 021C Latin capital letter YOGH
ȝ 541 021D Latin lowercase letters YOGH
Ȟ 542 021E Latin capital letter H with the CARON
ȟ 543 021F Latin lowercase letter H with the CARON
Ƞ 544 0220 Latin capital letter N with a long right leg
ȡ 545 0221 Latin lowercase letter D with spiral
Ȣ 546 0222 Latin capital letter OU
ȣ 547 0223 Latin lowercase letters OU
Ȥ 548 0224 Hooked Latin capital letter Z
ȥ 549 0225 Hooked Latin lowercase letter Z
Ȧ 550 0226 At the top of a little Latin capital letter A
ȧ 551 0227 At the top of a little Latin lowercase letter A
Ȩ 552 0228 Latin capital letter E with CEDILLA (umlaut) of
ȩ 553 0229 Latin small letter E with CEDILLA (umlaut) of
Ȫ 554 022A Latin capital letter O with DIAERESIS (note) and MACRON (macron) of
ȫ 555 022B Latin small letter O with DIAERESIS (note) and MACRON (macron) of
Ȭ 556 022C Latin capital letter O with tilde and MACRON (macron) of
ȭ 557 022D Latin small letter O with tilde and MACRON (macron) of
Ȯ 558 022E At the top of a little Latin capital letter O
ȯ 559 022F At the top of a little Latin lowercase letter O
Ȱ 560 0230 And with a little top MACRON (macron) Latin capital letter O
ȱ 561 0231 And with a little top MACRON (macron) Latin lowercase letter O
Ȳ 562 0232 Latin capital letter Y with MACRON (macron) of
ȳ 563 0233 Latin lowercase letter Y with MACRON (macron) of
ȴ 564 0234 Latin lowercase letter L with a spiral
ȵ 565 0235 Latin lowercase letters with spiral N
ȶ 566 0236 Latin lowercase letter T with spiral
ȷ 567 0237 & Jmath; Lacking the Latin lowercase letter J
ȸ 568 0238 Latin lowercase letters DB ligatures
ȹ 569 0239 Latin lowercase QP ligatures
Ⱥ 570 023A Latin capital letter A with a strikethrough
Ȼ 571 023B Latin capital letter C with strikethrough
Ȼ 572 023C Latin lowercase letter C with strikethrough
Ƚ 573 023D Latin capital letter with a dash of L
Ⱦ 574 023E Latin capital letter T with diagonal
ȿ 575 023F Latin small letter S with diagonal tail
ɀ 576 0240 Latin lowercase Z with diagonal tail
Ɂ 577 0241 Latin capital letter GLOTTAL STOP
ɂ 578 0242 Latin lowercase letters GLOTTAL STOP
Ƀ 579 0243 Latin capital letter B with a strikethrough
Ʉ 580 0244 Latin capital letter U with a dash of
Ʌ 581 0245 Inverted inverted Latin capital letter V
Ɇ 582 0246 Latin capital letter E with strikethrough
ɇ 583 0247 Latin small letter E with strikethrough
Ɉ 584 0248 Latin capital letter J with strikethrough
ɉ 585 0249 Latin lowercase letters with a strikethrough line J
Ɋ 586 024A Trumpet tail hooked Latin capital letter Q
ɋ 587 024B Tail hooked Latin lowercase letter Q
Ɍ 588 024C Latin capital letter R with strikethrough
ɍ 589 024D Latin lowercase letter R with strikethrough
Ɏ 590 024E Latin capital letter Y with strikethrough
ɏ 591 024F Latin lowercase letters with a strikethrough line Y