HTML5 entity name (letter - U)

Not all the entities in the following table can be displayed correctly in all browsers.

Currently, IE 11 is the only one who can correctly display all HTML5 browsers entities.

character Entity name Hex
Ú Uacute 000DA
ú uacute 000FA
& Uarr; Uarr 0219F
uArr 021D1
uarr 02191
& Uarrocir; Uarrocir 02949
& Ubrcy; Ubrcy 0040E
& Ubrcy; ubrcy 0045E
& Ubreve; Ubreve 0016C
& Ubreve; ubreve 0016D
Û Ucirc 000DB
û ucirc 000FB
& Ucy; Ucy 00423
& Ucy; ucy 00443
& Udarr; udarr 021C5
Ű Udblac 00170
ű udblac 00171
& Udhar; udhar 0296E
& Ufisht; ufisht 0297E
& Ufr; Ufr 1D518
& Ufr; ufr 1D532
Ù Ugrave 000D9
ù ugrave 000F9
& UHar; uHar 02963
& Uharl; uharl 021BF
& Uharr; uharr 021BE
& Uhblk; uhblk 02580
& Ulcorn; ulcorn 0231C
& Ulcorner; ulcorner 0231C
& Ulcrop; ulcrop 0230F
& Ultri; ultri 025F8
Ū Umacr 0016A
ū umacr 0016B
¨ uml 000A8
& UnderBar; UnderBar 0005F
& UnderBrace; UnderBrace 023DF
& UnderBracket; UnderBracket 023B5
& UnderParenthesis; UnderParenthesis 023DD
& Union; Union 022C3
& UnionPlus; UnionPlus 0228E
& Uogon; Uogon 00172
& Uogon; uogon 00173
& Uopf; Uopf 1D54C
& Uopf; uopf 1D566
& UpArrow; UpArrow 02191
& Uparrow; Uparrow 021D1
& Uparrow; uparrow 02191
& UpArrowBar; UpArrowBar 02912
& UpArrowDownArrow; UpArrowDownArrow 021C5
& UpDownArrow; UpDownArrow 02195
& Updownarrow; Updownarrow 021D5
& Updownarrow; updownarrow 02195
& UpEquilibrium; UpEquilibrium 0296E
& Upharpoonleft; upharpoonleft 021BF
& Upharpoonright; upharpoonright 021BE
& Uplus; uplus 0228E
& UpperLeftArrow; UpperLeftArrow 02196
& UpperRightArrow; UpperRightArrow 02197
& Upsi; Upsi 003D2
& Upsi; upsi 003C5
Υ upsih 003D2
Υ Upsilon 003A5
υ upsilon 003C5
& UpTee; UpTee 022A5
& UpTeeArrow; UpTeeArrow 021A5
& Upuparrows; upuparrows 021C8
& Urcorn; urcorn 0231D
& Urcorner; urcorner 0231D
& Urcrop; urcrop 0230E
Ů Uring 0016E
ů uring 0016F
& Urtri; urtri 025F9
& Uscr; Uscr 1D4B0
& Uscr; uscr 1D4CA
& Utdot; utdot 022F0
& Utilde; Utilde 00168
& Utilde; utilde 00169
& Utri; utri 025B5
& Utrif; utrif 025B4
& Uuarr; uuarr 021C8
Ü Uuml 000DC
ü uuml 000FC
& Uwangle; uwangle 029A7