CSS3 border-image-repeat property


Set the repeat mode of the image:

div {
border-image-source: url ( border.png);
border-image-repeat: repeat;

Definitions and use

border-image-repeat attribute whether the image boundary should be repeated (repeated), tensile (stretched) or covered (rounded).

Tip: You can view the border-image property (shorthand property used to set all the border-image- * properties).

Defaults: stretch
Inherited: no
Animation: no. See animatable
version: CSS3
JavaScript syntax: object .style.borderImageRepeat = "round"try

Browser Support

Figures in the table represent the first browser to support this version of events.

border-image-repeat 15.0 11.0 15.0 6.0 15.0

CSS Syntax

border-image-repeat: stretch | repeat | round | initial | inherit;

Note: This attribute specifies how extended and the layout of the edges and the middle part of the frame of the image.Therefore, you can specify two values. If the second value is omitted, and the first to take the same value.

Property Value

value description Examples
stretch Defaults. Stretch the image to fill the area View examples »
repeat Tiled (repeated) to fill the image area. View examples »
round Similar repeat value. If you can not complete all tiled image, the image is scaled to fit the area. View examples »
space Similar repeat value. If you can not complete all tiled images, expansion space will be distributed around the image
initial Set this property to the default value. See initial View examples »
inherit This property is inherited from the parent element. See inherit

Related Pages

CSS3 tutorial: CSS3 Border

CSS Reference: border-Image property

CSS Reference: border-Image-REPEAT property

CSS Reference: border-Image-Slice property

CSS Reference: border-Image-Source property

CSS Reference: border-width attribute-Image

HTML DOM Reference: borderImageRepeat property