HTML DOM Submit objects

Submit objects

Submit object represents an HTML form submit button (submit button).

In the HTML form <input type = "submit"> tag appears every time a Submit object is created.

Before submitting the form, trigger onclick event handler, and a handler by returning fasle to cancel the form submission.

You can traverse the form elements [] array to access a submit button, or by using document.getElementById ().

Submit object properties

W3C: W3C standards.

属性 描述 W3C
disabled 设置或返回提交按钮是否应被禁用。 Yes
form 返回一个对包含此提交按钮的表单的引用。 Yes
name 设置或返回提交按钮的名称。 Yes
type 返回提交按钮的表单元素类型。 Yes
value 设置或返回在提交按钮上显示的文本。 Yes

Standard properties and events

Submit the object also supports the standard attributes and events .