The best AngularJS HTML DOM Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn ng-disabled instruction,AngularJS examples,ng-show instructions,AngularJS examples,AngularJS examples,ng-hide command,AngularJS examples,


AngularJS provides instructions for application data binding attributes HTML DOM elements.

ng-disabled instruction

ng-disabled instruction directly bind application data to HTML disabled property.

AngularJS examples

<Div ng-app = "" ng-init = "mySwitch = true">

<Button ng-disabled = "mySwitch "> Point me! </ Button>
</ P>

<Input type = "checkbox" ng -model = "mySwitch"> button
</ P>

</ P>

</ Div>

Examples to explain:

ng-disabled instruction bound application data "mySwitch" to HTML disabled property.

ng-model directive bind "mySwitch" to HTML input checkbox element content (value).

If mySwitch true, the button is unavailable:

<Button disabled> Point me! </ Button>
</ P>

If mySwitch is false, you can use the button:

<Button> Point me! </ Button>
</ P>

ng-show instructions

ng-show instructions hide or display an HTML element.

AngularJS examples

<Div ng-app = "" >

<P ng-show = "true "> I am visible. </ P>

<P ng-show = "false "> I was invisible. </ P>

</ Div>

ng-show command value based on the value to display (hide) HTML elements.

You can use an expression to calculate a Boolean value (true or false):

AngularJS examples

<Div ng-app = "" ng-init = "hour = 13 "> <P ng-show = "hour> 12 "> I am visible. </ P> </ Div>

Note In the next chapter, we will all be hidden by clicking the button more instances of an HTML element.

ng-hide command

ng-hide command to hide or display HTML elements.

AngularJS examples

< div ng-app= "" >

< p ng-hide= "true" >我是不可见的。 < /p >

< p ng-hide= "false" >我是可见的。 < /p >

< /div >
