The best HTML DOM summary Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn HTML DOM summary,Now that you've learned HTML DOM, the next step?,

HTML DOM summary

HTML DOM summary

This tutorial has taught you how to use the HTML DOM to enhance the dynamic interactive site.

You have learned how to manipulate HTML elements in response to different scenarios.

For more information about the HTML DOM, please visit our HTML DOM examples and HTML DOM Reference .

Now that you've learned HTML DOM, the next step?

In this tutorial, we have passed (in the browser) use scripts to create dynamic Web pages on the client.

You can also use a script on the server to increase the dynamic page.

Server-side script, you can edit, add or change the content of the page. You are able to submit data from HTML forms respond to access data or database and to return the results browser for different users to customize the page.

In W3Cschool, you can learn the following server-side scripting tutorial:

PHP Tutorial

ASP Tutorial

.NET Tutorial

You can also through our server-side scripting tutorial series page, to quickly understand the various server-side scripting technology.

HTML DOM summary