The best HTML DOM Form Object Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn Form Object,Form objects collected,Form Object Properties,Form Object,Form object event,Standard properties and events,

HTML DOM Form Object

Form Object

Form object represents an HTML form.

In an HTML document <form> Each occurrence, Form object is created.

Users typically forms used to collect user data, including the input elements such as: text fields, check boxes, radio buttons, submit buttons wait. Forms can also be said the Options menu, textarea, fieldset, legend, and label elements.

Forms are used to send data to the server.

Form objects collected

W3C: W3C standards.

集合 描述 W3C
elements[] 包含表单中所有元素的数组。 Yes

Form Object Properties

属性 描述 W3C
acceptCharset 服务器可接受的字符集。 Yes
action 设置或返回表单的 action 属性。 Yes
enctype 设置或返回表单用来编码内容的 MIME 类型。 Yes
length 返回表单中的元素数目。 Yes
method 设置或返回将数据发送到服务器的 HTTP 方法。 Yes
name 设置或返回表单的名称。 Yes
target 设置或返回表单提交结果的 Frame 或 Window 名。 Yes

Form Object

方法 描述 W3C
reset() 重置一个表单 Yes
submit() 提交一个表单 Yes

Form object event

事件 描述 W3C
onreset 在重置表单元素之前调用。 Yes
onsubmit 在提交表单之前调用。 Yes

Standard properties and events

Form object also supports the standard attributes and events .

HTML DOM Form Object