The best Window object Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn Window object,Window object properties,Window object methods,

Window object

Window object

Window object represents a browser window that opens.

If the document contains a frame (<frame> or <iframe> tag), the browser will create a window object for the HTML document, and create an additional window object for each frame.

NoteNote: There areno open standards applied to the window object, but all browsers support the object.

Window object properties

Attributes description
closed Returns whether the window has been closed.
defaultStatus Sets or returns the default text window status bar.
document Read-only reference to the Document object. (See Object )
frames Returns the window frame all named. This collection is an array of Window objects, each containing a Window object in the window frame.
history Read-only reference to the History object. Please arguments History objects .
innerHeight Returns the height of the window display area of ​​the document.
innerWidth Returns the width of the display area of ​​the document window.
length Sets or returns the number of the frame window.
location Location for the object window or frame. See Location object .
name Sets or returns the name of the window.
navigator Navigator object for read-only reference. Please arguments Navigator objects .
opener Returns to create this window window reference.
outerHeight Returning External height of the window, including toolbars and scroll bars.
outerWidth Returning External width of the window, including toolbars and scroll bars.
pageXOffset Sets or returns the current page with respect to the upper left corner of the window display area of ​​the X position.
pageYOffset Sets or returns the current page with respect to the upper left corner of the window display area Y position.
parent Returns the parent window.
screen Screen object for read-only reference. Please Parameter Screen object .
screenLeft Back window relative to the screen coordinates x
screenTop Returns the y coordinate of the window relative to the screen
screenX Back window relative to the screen coordinates x
screenY Returns the y coordinate of the window relative to the screen
self It returns a reference to the current window. Equivalent to the Window property.
status Setting text window status bar.
top Returns the top-most parent window.

Window object methods

方法 描述
alert() 显示带有一段消息和一个确认按钮的警告框。
blur() 把键盘焦点从顶层窗口移开。
clearInterval() 取消由 setInterval() 设置的 timeout。
clearTimeout() 取消由 setTimeout() 方法设置的 timeout。
close() 关闭浏览器窗口。
confirm() 显示带有一段消息以及确认按钮和取消按钮的对话框。
createPopup() 创建一个 pop-up 窗口。
focus() 把键盘焦点给予一个窗口。
moveBy() 可相对窗口的当前坐标把它移动指定的像素。
moveTo() 把窗口的左上角移动到一个指定的坐标。
open() 打开一个新的浏览器窗口或查找一个已命名的窗口。
print() 打印当前窗口的内容。
prompt() 显示可提示用户输入的对话框。
resizeBy() 按照指定的像素调整窗口的大小。
resizeTo() 把窗口的大小调整到指定的宽度和高度。
scrollBy() 按照指定的像素值来滚动内容。
scrollTo() 把内容滚动到指定的坐标。
setInterval() 按照指定的周期(以毫秒计)来调用函数或计算表达式。
setTimeout() 在指定的毫秒数后调用函数或计算表达式。
Window object