The best Introduction to Linux Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn Linux distributions,Linux Applications,Linux vs Window,

Introduction to Linux

Linux kernel was originally written just for school at the University of Helsinki by the Finnish Linus Torvalds (Linus Torvalds) personal preference.

Linux is a free to use and free dissemination of class Unix operating system, based on POSIX and UNIX is a multi-user, multi-tasking, multi-threading and multi-CPU support for the operating system.

Linux can run major UNIX software tools, applications, and network protocols. It supports 32-bit and 64-bit hardware. Linux has inherited the Unix network-centric design ideas, is a stable performance multi-user network operating system.

Linux distributions

Linux distributions, said the simple point is the Linux kernel and application software to make a package.

Currently on the market there are more well-known distributions: Ubuntu, RedHat, CentOS, Debain, Fedora, SuSE, OpenSUSE, TurboLinux, BluePoint, RedFlag, Xterm, SlackWare like.

Linux Applications

Today there are various occasions using a variety of Linux distributions, from embedded devices to supercomputers, and in determining the status of the server space, usually a server using LAMP (Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP) or LNMP (Linux + Nginx + MySQL + PHP) combination.

Currently Linux only be used in homes and businesses, and is also very popular in the government.

  • Brazil's federal government and the world-famous thanks to the support Linux.
  • There are news reports of Russian troops made their own version of the Linux distribution, as GHost project has already borne fruit.
  • India's Kerala federal plan to promote the use of Linux to the whole federal high school.
  • People's Republic of China to achieve technology independence, the exclusive use of Linux in the Godson process.
  • In some areas of Spain developed its own Linux distribution, and is widely used in the fields of government and education, such as Guadalinex Extremadura and Andalusia region gnuLinEx region.
  • Portugal also uses its own Linux distribution Caixa Magica, for Magalh? Es laptop and e-escola government software.
  • France and Germany also began to gradually adopt Linux.

Linux vs Window

At present, Linux is used in more server and desktop operating systems more using Window. The main differences are as follows:

Compare Windows Linux
interface Unified interface, the shell is fixed for all Windows Programs menu is almost the same, almost the same shortcuts GUI style varies depending on release, may not be compatible. GNU / Linux from UNIX heritage of the terminal is down, basic commands and methods of operation are almost the same.
driver Driver rich, updated frequently. The default installation procedure which usually contain the release when the popular hardware drivers, and then out of the hard drive depends on the new hardware vendors. For some older hardware, if not a wife of the driver it is sometimes difficult to support. In addition, sometimes the hardware vendors did not provide the required drive under Windows version, it will be more headaches. , Published by volunteers developed by the Linux kernel development team, many hardware manufacturers did not provide copyright considerations drivers, although most do not need to be installed manually, but involves the installation is relatively complicated, so that new users face driver issues (and installation if there method) will do nothing. But in open-source development model, although many older hardware under Windows can easily find it difficult to support the drive. HP, Intel, AMD and other hardware vendors gradually varying degrees of support for open source drivers, the problem is being alleviated.
use Relatively simple to use, easy to get started. No graphical interface for users to use a computer background is very beneficial. Graphical interface easy to use, easy to get started. Text interface, you need to learn to master.
Learn Complex system configuration, change frequently, and the knowledge, skills-out fast, in-depth learning difficulties. System structure is simple, stable, and the knowledge, skills and good tradition, in-depth study is relatively easy.
software Each specific function may need the support of commercial software, you need to purchase the appropriate license. Most freely available software, the same software features fewer choices.
Introduction to Linux