The best TCP / IP addressing Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn IP address,IP address contains four sets of numbers:,4 bytes = 32 bits,IP V6,domain name,

TCP / IP addressing

TCP / IP using a 32-bit number from 0 to 255, or 4 groups computer addressing.

IP address

Each computer must have an IP address to be able to connect to the Internet.

Each IP packet must have an address to be sent to another computer.

In the next section of this tutorial, you will learn more about IP addresses and IP name of knowledge.

IP address contains four sets of numbers:

TCP / IP uses 4 numbers to set the computer addressing. Each computer must have a unique 4 number address.

Each number is between 0-255, separated by dots, for example:

4 bytes = 32 bits

TCP / IP to use 32-bit addressing. A byte is 8-bit computer. So TCP / IP uses 4 bytes.

A computer byte can contain 256 different values:

00000000,00000001,00000010,00000011,00000100,00000101,00000110,00000111,00001000 /en/en/en. until 11111111.

Now, you should know why the TCP / IP address is between four sets of numbers between 0-255.


IPv6 is the "Internet Protocol Version 6" acronym, also known as next-generation Internet protocol, which is by the IETF group (Internet Engineering Task Force Internet Engineering Task Force) designed to replace the current IPv4 (existing) agreement a species new IP protocol.

We know, Internet host has a unique IP address, IP address with a 32-bit binary number represents a host number, but 32-bit address limited resources, can not meet the needs of users, so post new Internet research organizations host identification method, namely IPv6.

In the RFC1884 (RFC is a Request for Comments document is actually an abbreviation .RFC Internet related services some of the standard), suggested that the standard syntax specified IPv6 address 128 bits (16 bytes) written as eight 16-bit unsigned integers, each integer with a 4-bit hexadecimal representation between these numbers with a colon (:) to separate, for example:


Colon hexadecimal notation allows zero compression, namely a string of consecutive zeros can be replaced by a pair of colons, for example:


In order to ensure zero compression have a clear explanation of the proposed provisions, at any address, you can only use zero compression once. This technique is particularly useful for allocation strategy has been proposed, because there will be many address that contains a continuous string of zeros.

Colon hexadecimal notation combined with the suffix bit decimal notation. This combination is particularly useful in phase change from IPv4 to IPv6. For example, the following string is a valid colon hexadecimal notation:


This notation, although each value separated by a colon is a 16-bit quantity, but the value of decimal points for each part of the specified byte value. Then use zero compression can be drawn:


domain name

12 Arabic numbers are hard to remember. Use a name easier.

For TCP / IP address of the domain name it was called. is a domain name.

When you type a such as domain names, DNS is translate one digital program.

Around the world, large numbers of DNS servers are connected to the Internet. DNS translates the domain name server responsible for TCP / IP addresses, is also responsible for updating the information using the new domain names each system.

When a new domain name with its TCP / IP address is registered with the world's DNS server will update this information.

TCP / IP addressing