The best W3C XSL activities Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn XSL Tutorial,XSL version,W3C XSL specification and Timeline,W3C Reference Manual:,

W3C XSL activities

W3C started to develop XSL, because there is a need based on the style sheet language of XML.

Language XSL consists of three parts: XSLT, XPath and XSL formatting objects.

XSL Tutorial

To learn more about XSL, read our XSL tutorial .

XSL version

XSL 1.0

As a W3C Recommendation, XSL 1.0 as an expression of the style sheet language was released on October 15, 2001. It consists of three parts: XSLT, XPath and XSL formatting objects.

XSLT 1.0

XSLT 1.0 on November 16, 1999 became a W3C Recommendation. XSLT is a language used to transform XML documents into other XML documents.

XSLT 2.0

XSLT 2.0 on January 23, 2007 became a W3C Recommendation.

XSL-FO (XSL Formatting Objects)

XSL Formatting Objects for specifying formatting semantics a glossary. Formatting refers to the results of an XSL transformation into a suitable reader or listener process. While there is no independent documentation for W3C XSL formatting objects, but still can be found in the description of the XSL 1.0 Recommendation.

W3C XSL specification and Timeline

规范 草案/提议 推荐时间
XSL 1.0 15. Oct 2001
XSL 1.1 05. Dec 2006
XSLT 1.0 16. Nov 1999
XSLT 2.0 23. Jan 2007
XSLT 2.0 Requirements 14. Feb 2001

W3C Reference Manual:

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W3C XSL activities