HTML5 entity name (letter - P)

Not all the entities in the following table can be displayed correctly in all browsers.

Currently, IE 11 is the only one who can correctly display all HTML5 browsers entities.

character Entity name Hex
& Par; par 02225
para 000B6
& Parallel; parallel 02225
& Parsim; parsim 02AF3
& Parsl; parsl 02AFD
part 02202
& PartialD; PartialD 02202
& Pcy; Pcy 0041F
& Pcy; pcy 0043F
& Percnt; percnt 00025
& Period; period 0002E
permil 02030
perp 022A5
& Pertenk; pertenk 02031
& Pfr; Pfr 1D513
& Pfr; pfr 1D52D
Φ Phi 003A6
φ phi 003C6
& Phiv; phiv 003D5
& Phmmat; phmmat 02133
& Phone; phone 0260E
Π Pi 003A0
π pi 003C0
& Pitchfork; pitchfork 022D4
π piv 003D6
& Planck; planck 0210F
& Planckh; planckh 0210E
& Plankv; plankv 0210F
& Plus; plus 0002B
& Plusacir; plusacir 02A23
& Plusb; plusb 0229E
& Pluscir; pluscir 02A22
& Plusdo; plusdo 02214
& Plusdu; plusdu 02A25
& Pluse; pluse 02A72
± plusmn 000B1
& Plussim; plussim 02A26
& Plustwo; plustwo 02A27
& Pm; pm 000B1
& Poincareplane; Poincareplane 0210C
& Pointint; pointint 02A15
& Popf; Popf 02119
& Popf; popf 1D561
£ pound 000A3
& Pr; Pr 02ABB
& Pr; pr 0227A
& Prap; prap 02AB7
& Prcue; prcue 0227C
& PrE; prE 02AB3
& Pre; pre 02AAF
& Prec; prec 0227A
& Precapprox; precapprox 02AB7
& Preccurlyeq; preccurlyeq 0227C
& Precedes; Precedes 0227A
& PrecedesEqual; PrecedesEqual 02AAF
& PrecedesSlantEqual; PrecedesSlantEqual 0227C
& PrecedesTilde; PrecedesTilde 0227E
& Preceq; preceq 02AAF
& Precnapprox; precnapprox 02AB9
& Precneqq; precneqq 02AB5
& Precnsim; precnsim 022E8
& Precsim; precsim 0227E
" Prime 02033
' prime 02032
& Primes; primes 02119
& Prnap; prnap 02AB9
& PrnE; prnE 02AB5
& Prnsim; prnsim 022E8
Π prod 0220F
& Product; Product 0220F
& Profalar; profalar 0232E
& Profline; profline 02312
& Profsurf; profsurf 02313
α prop 0221D
& Proportion; Proportion 02237
& Proportional; Proportional 0221D
& Propto; propto 0221D
& Prsim; prsim 0227E
& Prurel; prurel 022B0
& Pscr; Pscr 1D4AB
& Pscr; pscr 1D4C5
Ψ Psi 003A8
ψ psi 003C8
& Puncsp; puncsp 02008