The best HTML5 entity name (letter - O) Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn HTML5 entity name (letter - O)

HTML5 entity name (letter - O)

Not all the entities in the following table can be displayed correctly in all browsers.

Currently, IE 11 is the only one who can correctly display all HTML5 browsers entities.

character Entity name Hex
Ó Oacute 000D3
ó oacute 000F3
& Oast; oast 0229B
& Ocir; ocir 0229A
Ô Ocirc 000D4
ô ocirc 000F4
& Ocy; Ocy 0041E
& Ocy; ocy 0043E
& Odash; odash 0229D
Ő Odblac 00150
ő odblac 00151
& Odiv; odiv 02A38
odot 02299
& Odsold; odsold 029BC
ΠOElig 00152
œ oelig 00153
& Ofcir; ofcir 029BF
& Ofr; Ofr 1D512
& Ofr; ofr 1D52C
˛ ogon 002DB
Ò Ograve 000D2
ò ograve 000F2
& Ogt; ogt 029C1
& Ohbar; ohbar 029B5
& Ohm; ohm 003A9
& Oint; oint 0222E
& Olarr; olarr 021BA
& Olcir; olcir 029BE
& Olcross; olcross 029BB
~ oline 0203E
& Olt; olt 029C0
Ō Omacr 0014C
ō omacr 0014D
Ω Omega 003A9
ω omega 003C9
Ο Omicron 0039F
ο omicron 003BF
& Omid; omid 029B6
& Ominus; ominus 02296
& Oopf; Oopf 1D546
& Oopf; oopf 1D560
& Opar; opar 029B7
& OpenCurlyDoubleQuote; OpenCurlyDoubleQuote 0201C
& OpenCurlyQuote; OpenCurlyQuote 02018
& Operp; operp 029B9
oplus 02295
& Or; Or 02A54
or 02228
& Orarr; orarr 021BB
& Ord; ord 02A5D
& Order; order 02134
& Orderof; orderof 02134
ª ordf 000AA
º ordm 000BA
& Origof; origof 022B6
& Oror; oror 02A56
& Orslope; orslope 02A57
& Orv; orv 02A5B
& OS; oS 024C8
& Oscr; Oscr 1D4AA
& Oscr; oscr 02134
Ø Oslash 000D8
ø oslash 000F8
& Osol; osol 02298
Õ Otilde 000D5
õ otilde 000F5
& Otimes; Otimes 02A37
otimes 02297
& Otimesas; otimesas 02A36
Ö Ouml 000D6
ö ouml 000F6
& Ovbar; ovbar 0233D
& OverBar; OverBar 0203E
& OverBrace; OverBrace 023DE
& OverBracket; OverBracket 023B4
& OverParenthesis; OverParenthesis 023DC
HTML5 entity name (letter - O)