The best UTF-8 umlauts Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn Range: 768-879 decimal, hexadecimal 0300-036F.,Examples,The results are as follows:,

UTF-8 umlauts

Range: 768-879 decimal, hexadecimal 0300-036F.

If you want to display these characters in HTML, you can use HTML entities in the following table.

If the character is not HTML entities, you can use decimal or hexadecimal reference.


<p>我将显示 a<p>
<p>我将显示 &#771;<p>
<p>我将显示 a&#771;<p>

The results are as follows:

我将显示 a
我将显示 ̃
我将显示 ã

Not all the entities in the following table can be displayed correctly in all browsers.

Currently, IE 11 is the only one who can correctly display all HTML5 browsers entities.

character Decimal Hex entity name
ò 768 0300 Accents (GRAVE ACCENT)
ó 769 0301 Acute accent (ACUTE ACCENT)
ô 770 0302 Circumflex accent (CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT)
õ 771 0303 Wavy (TILDE)
ō 772 0304 Macron (MACRON)
773 0305 Overline (OVERLINE)
ŏ 774 0306 Short weak note (BREVE)
ȯ 775 0307 Above with a point (DOT ABOVE)
ö 776 0308 Diaeresis (DIAERESIS)
777 0309 Above with a hook (HOOK ABOVE)
778 030A Above with a circle (RING ABOVE)
ő 779 030B Double acute accent (DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT)
ǒ 780 030C CARON
781 030D Above with a vertical line (VERTICAL LINE ABOVE)
o 782 030E Above with a double vertical line (DOUBLE VERTICAL LINE ABOVE)
ȍ 783 030F Dual Tone symbol (DOUBLE GRAVE ACCENT)
ȏ 785 0311 Inverted short weak note (INVERTED BREVE)
786 0312 Above with inverted commas inverted (TURNED COMMA ABOVE)
787 0313 Above with a comma (COMMA ABOVE)
788 0314 Above with inverted commas (REVERSED COMMA ABOVE)
789 0315 The upper right with a comma (COMMA ABOVE RIGHT)
790 0316 Here accents (GRAVE ACCENT BELOW)
791 0317 Here with an acute accent (ACUTE ACCENT BELOW)
792 0318 Below left with a nail (LEFT TACK BELOW)
793 0319 The following nail right with (RIGHT TACK BELOW)
794 031A Upper left corner with (LEFT ANGLE ABOVE)
ơ 795 031B With Speaker (HORN)
796 031C With a semicircle below left (LEFT HALF RING BELOW)
797 031D The following nail with upward (UP TACK BELOW)
798 031E The following nail down (DOWN TACK BELOW) with
799 031F Here with a plus sign (PLUS SIGN BELOW)
800 0320 Here with a minus sign (MINUS SIGN BELOW)
801 0321 Here with palatal hook (PALATALIZED HOOK BELOW)
802 0322 Here with tongue rolling hook (RETROFLEX HOOK BELOW)
803 0323 With the following point (DOT BELOW)
804 0324 Here with diaeresis (DIAERESIS BELOW)
805 0325 The following circled (RING BELOW)
806 0326 Here with a comma (COMMA BELOW)
807 0327 Umlaut (CEDILLA)
ǫ 808 0328 OGONEK
809 0329 Here with a vertical line (VERTICAL LINE BELOW)
810 032A Here with a bridge (BRIDGE BELOW)
811 032B Here with a double inverted arches (INVERTED DOUBLE ARCH BELOW)
812 032C Here with CARON (CARON BELOW)
813 032D Here with a circumflex accent (CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT BELOW)
814 032E Following a weak note with a short (BREVE BELOW)
815 032F The following short weak note with inverted (INVERTED BREVE BELOW)
816 0330 Here with wavy (TILDE BELOW)
o 817 0331 Here with macron (MACRON BELOW)
o 818 0332 Underline (LOW LINE)
819 0333 Double underline (DOUBLE LOW LINE)
820 0334 Wavy superposition (TILDE OVERLAY)
821 0335 Remove the short line is superimposed (SHORT STROKE OVERLAY)
822 0336 Long strikethrough superposition (LONG STROKE OVERLAY)
823 0337 Slash superimposed (SHORT SOLIDUS OVERLAY)
824 0338 Long slash superimposed (LONG SOLIDUS OVERLAY)
825 0339 Here with the right semicircle (RIGHT HALF RING BELOW)
826 033A Below the bridge with inverted (INVERTED BRIDGE BELOW)
827 033B With the following block (SQUARE BELOW)
828 033C Here with a seagull (SEAGULL BELOW)
829 033D Above with X (X ABOVE)
830 033E Vertical wavy lines (VERTICAL TILDE)
o̿ 831 033F Double overline (DOUBLE OVERLINE)
ò 832 0340 Intonation accent mark (GRAVE TONE MARK)
ó 833 0341 Sharp tone tone mark (ACUTE TONE MARK)
o 834 0342 Greek letter PERISPOMENI (in conjunction with theta)
835 0343 Greek letter KORONIS (in conjunction with theta)
ö 836 0344 Greek letters DIALYTIKA TONOS (in conjunction with theta)
o 837 0345 Greek letters YPOGEGRAMMENI (in conjunction with theta)
838 0346 Above with a bridge (BRIDGE ABOVE)
839 0347 Here with the equal sign (EQUALS SIGN BELOW)
840 0348 Here with a double vertical line (DOUBLE VERTICAL LINE BELOW)
841 0349 Here with a left angle (LEFT ANGLE BELOW)
842 034A Above with strikethrough wavy line (NOT TILDE ABOVE)
843 034B Above with a similar number (HOMOTHETIC ABOVE)
844 034C Above with about an equal sign (ALMOST EQUAL TO ABOVE)
845 034D Here with the left and right arrow (LEFT RIGHT ARROW BELOW)
846 034E Following up with the arrow (UPWARDS ARROW BELOW)
847 034F Glyph (GRAPHEME JOINER)
848 0350 Above with the right arrow (RIGHT ARROWHEAD ABOVE)
849 0351 Above with a left semicircle (LEFT HALF RING ABOVE)
850 0352 Cadence (FERMATA)
851 0353 Here with X (X BELOW)
852 0354 Below the arrow with the left (LEFT ARROWHEAD BELOW)
853 0355 Here with the right arrow (RIGHT ARROWHEAD BELOW)
854 0356 Here arrow with a right and upward (RIGHT ARROWHEAD AND UP ARROWHEAD BELOW)
855 0357 Above with the right semicircle (RIGHT HALF RING ABOVE)
856 0358 With the upper right point (DOT ABOVE RIGHT)
857 0359 Below with an asterisk (ASTERISK BELOW)
858 035A Here with a double circle (DOUBLE RING BELOW)
859 035B Above with a serrated (ZIGZAG ABOVE)
͜o 860 035C The following short weak note with a double (DOUBLE BREVE BELOW)
͝o 861 035D Weak double short note (DOUBLE BREVE)
͞o 862 035E Double macron (DOUBLE MACRON)
͟o 863 035F Here with double macron (DOUBLE MACRON BELOW)
͠o 864 0360 Double wavy line (DOUBLE TILDE)
͡o 865 0361 Inverted double short weak note (DOUBLE INVERTED BREVE)
͢o 866 0362 Here with double right arrow (DOUBLE RIGHTWARDS ARROW BELOW)
867 0363 Latin lowercase letter A
868 0364 Latin lowercase letter E
869 0365 Latin lowercase letter I
870 0366 Latin lowercase letter O
871 0367 Latin lowercase letter U
872 0368 Latin lowercase letter C
873 0369 Latin lowercase letter D
874 036A Latin lowercase letter H
875 036B Latin lowercase letter M
876 036C Latin lowercase letter R
877 036D Latin lowercase letter T
878 036E Latin lowercase letter V
879 036F Latin lowercase letter X
UTF-8 umlauts