The best HTML5 entity name (letter - N) Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn HTML5 entity name (letter - N)

HTML5 entity name (letter - N)

Not all the entities in the following table can be displayed correctly in all browsers.

Currently, IE 11 is the only one who can correctly display all HTML5 browsers entities.

character Entity name Hex
nabla 02207
Ń Nacute 00143
ń nacute 00144
& Nang; nang 02220 + 020D2
& Nap; nap 02249
& NapE; napE 02A70 + 00338
& Napid; napid 0224B + 00338
& Napos; napos 00149
& Napprox; napprox 02249
& Natur; natur 0266E
& Natural; natural 0266E
& Naturals; naturals 02115
nbsp 000A0
& Nbump; nbump 0224E + 00338
& Nbumpe; nbumpe 0224F + 00338
& Ncap; ncap 02A43
Ň Ncaron 00147
ň ncaron 00148
Ņ Ncedil 00145
ņ ncedil 00146
& Ncong; ncong 02247
& Ncongdot; ncongdot 02A6D + 00338
& Ncup; ncup 02A42
& Ncy; Ncy 0041D
& Ncy; ncy 0043D
- ndash 02013
ne 02260
& Nearhk; nearhk 02924
& NeArr; neArr 021D7
& Nearr; nearr 02197
& Nearrow; nearrow 02197
& Nedot; nedot 02250 + 00338
& Nequiv; nequiv 02262
& Nesear; nesear 02928
& Nesim; nesim 02242 + 00338
& NestedGreaterGreater; NestedGreaterGreater 0226B
& NestedLessLess; NestedLessLess 0226A
& NewLine; NewLine 0000A
& Nexist; nexist 02204
& Nexists; nexists 02204
& Nfr; Nfr 1D511
& Nfr; nfr 1D52B
& NgE; ngE 02267 + 00338
& Nge; nge 02271
& Ngeq; ngeq 02271
& Ngeqq; ngeqq 02267 + 00338
& Ngeqslant; ngeqslant 02A7E + 00338
& Nges; nges 02A7E + 00338
& NGg; nGg 022D9 + 00338
& Ngsim; ngsim 02275
& NGt; nGt 0226B + 020D2
& Ngt; ngt 0226F
& Ngtr; ngtr 0226F
& NGtv; nGtv 0226B + 00338
& NhArr; nhArr 021CE
& Nharr; nharr 021AE
& Nhpar; nhpar 02AF2
ni 0220B
& Nis; nis 022FC
& Nisd; nisd 022FA
& Niv; niv 0220B
& NJcy; NJcy 0040A
& Njcy; njcy 0045A
& NlArr; nlArr 021CD
& Nlarr; nlarr 0219A
& Nldr; nldr 02025
& NlE; nlE 02266 + 00338
& Nle; nle 02270
& NLeftarrow; nLeftarrow 021CD
& Nleftarrow; nleftarrow 0219A
& NLeftrightarrow; nLeftrightarrow 021CE
& Nleftrightarrow; nleftrightarrow 021AE
& Nleq; nleq 02270
& Nleqq; nleqq 02266 + 00338
& Nleqslant; nleqslant 02A7D + 00338
& Nles; nles 02A7D + 00338
& Nless; nless 0226E
& NLl; nLl 022D8 + 00338
& Nlsim; nlsim 02274
& NLt; nLt 0226A + 020D2
& Nlt; nlt 0226E
& Nltri; nltri 022EA
& Nltrie; nltrie 022EC
& NLtv; nLtv 0226A + 00338
& Nmid; nmid 02224
& NoBreak; NoBreak 02060
& NonBreakingSpace; NonBreakingSpace 000A0
& Nopf; Nopf 02115
& Nopf; nopf 1D55F
& Not; Not 02AEC
¬ not 000AC
& NotCongruent; NotCongruent 02262
& NotCupCap; NotCupCap 0226D
& NotDoubleVerticalBar; NotDoubleVerticalBar 02226
& NotElement; NotElement 02209
& NotEqual; NotEqual 02260
& NotEqualTilde; NotEqualTilde 02242 + 00338
& NotExists; NotExists 02204
& NotGreater; NotGreater 0226F
& NotGreaterEqual; NotGreaterEqual 02271
& NotGreaterFullEqual; NotGreaterFullEqual 02267 + 00338
& NotGreaterGreater; NotGreaterGreater 0226B + 00338
& NotGreaterLess; NotGreaterLess 02279
& NotGreaterSlantEqual; NotGreaterSlantEqual 02A7E + 00338
& NotGreaterTilde; NotGreaterTilde 02275
& NotHumpDownHump; NotHumpDownHump 0224E + 00338
& NotHumpEqual; NotHumpEqual 0224F + 00338
notin 02209
& Notindot; notindot 022F5 + 00338
& NotinE; notinE 022F9 + 00338
& Notinva; notinva 02209
& Notinvb; notinvb 022F7
& Notinvc; notinvc 022F6
& NotLeftTriangle; NotLeftTriangle 022EA
& NotLeftTriangleBar; NotLeftTriangleBar 029CF + 00338
& NotLeftTriangleEqual; NotLeftTriangleEqual 022EC
& NotLess; NotLess 0226E
& NotLessEqual; NotLessEqual 02270
& NotLessGreater; NotLessGreater 02278
& NotLessLess; NotLessLess 0226A + 00338
& NotLessSlantEqual; NotLessSlantEqual 02A7D + 00338
& NotLessTilde; NotLessTilde 02274
& NotNestedGreaterGreater; NotNestedGreaterGreater 02AA2 + 00338
& NotNestedLessLess; NotNestedLessLess 02AA1 + 00338
& Notni; notni 0220C
& Notniva; notniva 0220C
& Notnivb; notnivb 022FE
& Notnivc; notnivc 022FD
& NotPrecedes; NotPrecedes 02280
& NotPrecedesEqual; NotPrecedesEqual 02AAF + 00338
& NotPrecedesSlantEqual; NotPrecedesSlantEqual 022E0
& NotReverseElement; NotReverseElement 0220C
& NotRightTriangle; NotRightTriangle 022EB
& NotRightTriangleBar; NotRightTriangleBar 029D0 + 00338
& NotRightTriangleEqual; NotRightTriangleEqual 022ED
& NotSquareSubset; NotSquareSubset 0228F + 00338
& NotSquareSubsetEqual; NotSquareSubsetEqual 022E2
& NotSquareSuperset; NotSquareSuperset 02290 + 00338
& NotSquareSupersetEqual; NotSquareSupersetEqual 022E3
& NotSubset; NotSubset 02282 + 020D2
& NotSubsetEqual; NotSubsetEqual 02288
& NotSucceeds; NotSucceeds 02281
& NotSucceedsEqual; NotSucceedsEqual 02AB0 + 00338
& NotSucceedsSlantEqual; NotSucceedsSlantEqual 022E1
& NotSucceedsTilde; NotSucceedsTilde 0227F + 00338
& NotSuperset; NotSuperset 02283 + 020D2
& NotSupersetEqual; NotSupersetEqual 02289
& NotTilde; NotTilde 02241
& NotTildeEqual; NotTildeEqual 02244
& NotTildeFullEqual; NotTildeFullEqual 02247
& NotTildeTilde; NotTildeTilde 02249
& NotVerticalBar; NotVerticalBar 02224
& Npar; npar 02226
& Nparallel; nparallel 02226
& Nparsl; nparsl 02AFD + 020E5
& Npart; npart 02202 + 00338
& Npolint; npolint 02A14
& Npr; npr 02280
& Nprcue; nprcue 022E0
& Npre; npre 02AAF + 00338
& Nprec; nprec 02280
& Npreceq; npreceq 02AAF + 00338
& NrArr; nrArr 021CF
& Nrarr; nrarr 0219B
& Nrarrc; nrarrc 02933 + 00338
& Nrarrw; nrarrw 0219D + 00338
& NRightarrow; nRightarrow 021CF
& Nrightarrow; nrightarrow 0219B
& Nrtri; nrtri 022EB
& Nrtrie; nrtrie 022ED
& Nsc; nsc 02281
& Nsccue; nsccue 022E1
& Nsce; nsce 02AB0 + 00338
& Nscr; Nscr 1D4A9
& Nscr; nscr 1D4C3
& Nshortmid; nshortmid 02224
& Nshortparallel; nshortparallel 02226
& Nsim; nsim 02241
& Nsime; nsime 02244
& Nsimeq; nsimeq 02244
& Nsmid; nsmid 02224
& Nspar; nspar 02226
& Nsqsube; nsqsube 022E2
& Nsqsupe; nsqsupe 022E3
nsub 02284
& NsubE; nsubE 02AC5 + 00338
& Nsube; nsube 02288
& Nsubset; nsubset 02282 + 020D2
& Nsubseteq; nsubseteq 02288
& Nsubseteqq; nsubseteqq 02AC5 + 00338
& Nsucc; nsucc 02281
& Nsucceq; nsucceq 02AB0 + 00338
& Nsup; nsup 02285
& NsupE; nsupE 02AC6 + 00338
& Nsupe; nsupe 02289
& Nsupset; nsupset 02283 + 020D2
& Nsupseteq; nsupseteq 02289
& Nsupseteqq; nsupseteqq 02AC6 + 00338
& Ntgl; ntgl 02279
Ñ Ntilde 000D1
ñ ntilde 000F1
& Ntlg; ntlg 02278
& Ntriangleleft; ntriangleleft 022EA
& Ntrianglelefteq; ntrianglelefteq 022EC
& Ntriangleright; ntriangleright 022EB
& Ntrianglerighteq; ntrianglerighteq 022ED
Ν Nu 0039D
ν nu 003BD
& Num; num 00023
& Numero; numero 02116
& Numsp; numsp 02007
& Nvap; nvap 0224D + 020D2
& NVDash; nVDash 022AF
& NVdash; nVdash 022AE
& NvDash; nvDash 022AD
& Nvdash; nvdash 022AC
& Nvge; nvge 02265 + 020D2
& Nvgt; nvgt 0003E + 020D2
& NvHarr; nvHarr 02904
& Nvinfin; nvinfin 029DE
& NvlArr; nvlArr 02902
& Nvle; nvle 02264 + 020D2
& Nvlt; nvlt 0003C + 020D2
& Nvltrie; nvltrie 022B4 + 020D2
& NvrArr; nvrArr 02903
& Nvrtrie; nvrtrie 022B5 + 020D2
& Nvsim; nvsim 0223C + 020D2
& Nwarhk; nwarhk 02923
& NwArr; nwArr 021D6
& Nwarr; nwarr 02196
& Nwarrow; nwarrow 02196
& Nwnear; nwnear 02927
HTML5 entity name (letter - N)