The best C Introduction Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn About C,Why use C?,C program,

C Introduction

C language is a universal high-level language, originally developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs for the development of the UNIX operating system is designed. C language is the beginning in 1972, was first implemented on a DEC PDP-11 computer.

In 1978, Brian Kelin Han (Brian Kernighan) and Dennis Ritchie (Dennis Ritchie) made the first publicly available description of C, and now known as K & R standard.

UNIX operating system, C compiler, and almost all UNIX applications are written in C language. For various reasons, C language has now become a widely used professional language.

  • Easy to learn.
  • Structured language.
  • It produces high-efficiency programs.
  • It can handle low-level activities.
  • It can be compiled on a variety of computer platforms.

About C

  • C language to write UNIX operating system was invented.
  • C language is a language-based B, B is probably the language was introduced in 1970.
  • C language standard was set in 1988 by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI, full name of the American National Standard Institute) developed.
  • As of 1973, UNIX operating system entirely in C language.
  • Currently, C programming language is the system most widely used language.
  • Most advanced software are using C language.
  • Today's most popular Linux operating system and RDBMS (Relational Database Management System: relational database management system) MySQL are using the C language.

Why use C?

C language was originally used for system development work, especially in the composition of the operating system program. Since the C language code generated by the speed of assembly language code written in almost the same speed, so the use of C language as a system development language. Here are a few examples of using C:

  • operating system
  • Compiler
  • Assembler
  • text editor
  • Print spooling
  • Network Drive
  • Modern procedures
  • database
  • Language interpreter
  • Entities tool

C program

A C language program, may be three lines, it can be millions of rows, which can be written in one or more extension".c" text file, forexample,hello.c.You can use"vi", "vim"or any other text editor to write your C language program.

This tutorial assumes you already know how to edit a text file, and how to write the source code in a program file.

C Introduction