The best Foundation Magellan (Magellan) navigation Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn How to create a Magellan navigation,Magellan Navigation Toolbar head,Magellan Navigation Padding,Magellan navigation options,

Foundation Magellan (Magellan) navigation

How to create a Magellan navigation

Magellan Navigation is a navigation index is created as follows:


<Div data-magellan-expedition = "fixed">
<Dl class = "sub-nav ">
<Dd data-magellan-arrival = "page1"> <a href = "# page1"> Page 1 </ a> </ dd>
<Dd data-magellan-arrival = "page2"> <a href = "# page2"> Page 2 </ a> </ dd>
</ Dl>
</ Div>

<H3 data-magellan-destination = "page1"> Page1 </ h3>
<A name = "page1"> </ a>

<H3 data-magellan-destination = "page2"> Page2 </ h3>
<A name = "page2"> </ a>

<-! Initialize Foundation JS ->
$ (Document) .ready (function () {
$ (Document) .foundation ();
</ Script>

Examples of analytical

On the <div> element to add data-magellan-expedition="fixed" " property to create Magellan Navigation.

Then <dd> or <li> Add the data-magellan-arrival=" value " " attribute, and add a back link as the attribute value (page1).

Using data-magellan-destination="value" " attribute to control the Magellan navigation target, followed by the <a> elements add name=" value " attribute. Two value of the property must be data-magellan-arrival consistent values (page1).

Finally, the initialization Foundation JS, user navigation while scrolling the page will automatically switch based on the content currently displayed.

Magellan Navigation Toolbar head

Magellan Navigation Toolbar head using examples:


<Div data-magellan-expedition = "fixed">
<Nav class = "top-bar " data-topbar>

<Section class = "top-bar -section">
<Ul class = "left">
<Li data-magellan-arrival = "page1"> <a href = "# page1"> Page 1 </ a> </ li>
<Li data-magellan-arrival = "page2"> <a href = "# page2"> Page 2 </ a> </ li>
</ Ul>
</ Section>

</ Nav>
</ Div>

<H3 data-magellan-destination = "page1"> Page1 </ h3>
<A name = "page1"> </ a>

<H3 data-magellan-destination = "page2"> Page2 </ h3>
<A name = "page2"> </ a>

Magellan Navigation Padding

By default, the Magellan navigation <div> element has padding of 10px. CSS can be used to remove it:


[data-magellan-expedition], [data-magellan-expedition-clone] {
padding: 0;

Magellan navigation options

Using data-options modify the attributes of Magellan navigation settings, such as <div data-magellan-expedition="fixed" data-options="destination_threshold:60"> :

name Types of default description Examples
active_class string active Class specifies the activation link try it
threshold number 0 Specify at what time the navigation needs a fixed position. Will be calculated according to the scroll bar, the default is 0 (auto). try it
destination_threshold number 20 The set value is set to display the value of the navigation links to navigate from the top of the list is active (blue background) when. try it
fixed_top number 0 Specifies the pixel values ​​from the navigation bar head try it
Foundation Magellan (Magellan) navigation