The best jQuery EasyUI data grid - enables inline editing Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn Download jQuery EasyUI examples,

jQuery EasyUI data grid - enables inline editing

Editable function recently added to the data grid (datagrid) of. It allows the user to add a new row to the data grid (datagrid). Users can also update one or more rows.

This tutorial shows you how to create a data grid (datagrid) and inline editor.

Creating a Data Grid (DataGrid)

	$ (Function () {
		$ ( '# Tt'). Datagrid ({
			title: 'Editable DataGrid',
			iconCls: 'icon-edit',
			width: 660,
			height: 250,
			singleSelect: true,
			idField: 'itemid',
			url: 'datagrid_data.json',
			columns: [[
				{Field: 'itemid', title: 'Item ID', width: 60},
				{Field: 'productid', title: 'Product', width: 100,
					formatter: function (value) {
						for (var i = 0; i <products.length; i ++) {
							if (products [i] .productid == value) return products [i] .name;
						return value;
					editor: {
						type: 'combobox',
						options: {
							valueField: 'productid',
							textField: 'name',
							data: products,
							required: true
				{Field: 'listprice', title: 'List Price', width: 80, align: 'right', editor: {type: 'numberbox', options: {precision: 1}}},
				{Field: 'unitcost', title: 'Unit Cost', width: 80, align: 'right', editor: 'numberbox'},
				{Field: 'attr1', title: 'Attribute', width: 150, editor: 'text'},
				{Field: 'status', title: 'Status', width: 50, align: 'center',
					editor: {
						type: 'checkbox',
						options: {
							on: 'P',
							off: ''
				{Field: 'action', title: 'Action', width: 70, align: 'center',
					formatter: function (value, row, index) {
						if (row.editing) {
							var s = '<a href="#" onclick="saverow(this)"> Save </a>';
							var c = '<a href="#" onclick="cancelrow(this)"> Cancel </a>';
							return s + c;
						} Else {
							var e = '<a href="#" onclick="editrow(this)"> Edit </a>';
							var d = '<a href="#" onclick="deleterow(this)"> Delete </a>';
							return e + d;
			onBeforeEdit: function (index, row) {
				row.editing = true;
				updateActions (index);
			onAfterEdit: function (index, row) {
				row.editing = false;
				updateActions (index);
			onCancelEdit: function (index, row) {
				row.editing = false;
				updateActions (index);
	function updateActions (index) {
		$ ( '# Tt'). Datagrid ( 'updateRow', {
			index: index,
			row: {}

To enable inline editing data grid, you should add a property to the editor column. Editor (editor) tells Data Grid (datagrid) How to edit the field and how to save the field value. As you can see, three editors (editor) We define: text, combobox and checkbox.

	function getRowIndex (target) {
		var tr = $ (target) .closest ( 'tr.datagrid-row');
		return parseInt (tr.attr ( 'datagrid-row-index'));
	function editrow (target) {
		$ ( '# Tt') datagrid ( 'beginEdit', getRowIndex (target)).;
	function deleterow (target) {
		$ .messager.confirm ( 'Confirm', 'Are you sure?', Function (r) {
			if (r) {
				$ ( '# Tt') datagrid ( 'deleteRow', getRowIndex (target)).;
	function saverow (target) {
		$ ( '# Tt') datagrid ( 'endEdit', getRowIndex (target)).;
	function cancelrow (target) {
		$ ( '# Tt') datagrid ( 'cancelEdit', getRowIndex (target)).;

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jQuery EasyUI data grid - enables inline editing