The best jQuery Mobile Events Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn jQuery Mobile Event Manual,

jQuery Mobile Events

jQuery Mobile Event Manual

The following is a list of all jQuery Mobile event.

Note: Use on () method of binding events.

event description
hashchange Enable to mark #hash history, when the hash value will occur in a separate clicks changes, such as a user clicks the back button, it will be processed by hashchange event.
navigate Wrapped hashchange and popstate events
orientationchange Direction change event, triggered when the user vertically or horizontally rotating mobile devices.
pagebeforechange Before switching the page, trigger events. Use $ .mobile.changePage () to switch the page, this method fires two events, after pagebeforechange before switching events, and handover completion pagechange (success) or pagechangefailed (failure).
pagebeforecreate When the page is initialized, before triggering initialization.
pagebeforehide Before switching old page after page hidden trigger events.
pagebeforeload Before loading a trigger request
pagebeforeshow Before displaying the page after the switch trigger events.
pagechange After the success of the page to switch to trigger events. Use $ .mobile.changePage () to switch the page, this method fires two events, after pagebeforechange before switching events, and handover completion pagechange (success) or pagechangefailed (failure).
pagechangefailed When the page switch fails, triggering events. Use $ .mobile.changePage () to switch the page, this method fires two events, after pagebeforechange before switching events, and handover completion pagechange (success) or pagechangefailed (failure).
pagecontainerbeforeload Before loading any request trigger
pagecontainerload After the page loads successfully triggered and inserted DOM
pagecontainerloadfailed Page failed to load when the trigger
pagecreate After the page is created, event-triggered, but before the completion of enhancements.
pagehide After the old page after page switching hidden trigger events.
pageinit After the 1.4.0 version is obsolete, use pagecreate instead. When the page page initialization, trigger events.
pageload After the 1.4.0 version is obsolete, use pagecontainerload instead. After the page is fully loaded successfully triggered.
pageloadfailed After the 1.4.0 version is obsolete, use pagecontainerloadfailed instead. If the page request fails trigger.
pageremove Before removing the outside window view pages from the DOM triggered.
pageshow After the transition animation is complete, "to" page is triggered.
scrollstart Fires when the user starts to scroll the page.
scrollstop Fires when the user stops scrolling page.
swipe Fires when the user slides horizontally on the element.
swipeleft Fires when the user left across the element exceeds 30px.
swiperight Fires when the user right across the element exceeds 30px.
tap Fires when the user clicks an element.
taphold When the trigger element and tap an element holding a second.
throttledresize Enable to mark #hash History
updatelayout / Hide content jQuery Mobile components triggered by the dynamic display.
vclick Virtualization click event handler
vmousecancel Virtualization mousecancel event handler
vmousedown Virtualization mousedown event handler
vmousemove Virtualization mousemove event handler
vmouseout Virtualization mouseout event handler
vmouseover Virtualization mouseover event handler
vmouseup Virtualization mouseup event handler
jQuery Mobile Events