The best SQL WHERE clause Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn SQL WHERE clause,The demo database,WHERE clause examples,Examples,Text field vs. a numeric field,Examples,WHERE clause operator,

SQL WHERE clause

WHERE clause is used to filter the records.

SQL WHERE clause

WHERE clause is used to extract records that meet the specified criteria.


SELECT column_name , column_name
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name operator value ;

The demo database

In this tutorial, we will use w3big sample database.

The following is a selected "Websites" table data:

| id | name         | url                       | alexa | country |
| 1  | Google       |    | 1     | USA     |
| 2  | 淘宝          |   | 13    | CN      |
| 3  | 本教程      |    | 4689  | CN      |
| 4  | 微博          |         | 20    | CN      |
| 5  | Facebook     | | 3     | USA     |

WHERE clause examples

The following SQL statement Select a country as "CN" from all the sites "Websites" table:


SELECT * FROM Websites WHERE country = 'CN';

Execution output:

Text field vs. a numeric field

SQL uses single quotes to surround text values ​​(most database systems also accept double quotes).

In the last instance 'CN' text field uses a single quote.

If it is a numeric field, do not use quotation marks.


SELECT * FROM Websites WHERE id = 1;

Execution output:

WHERE clause operator

The following operators can use in the WHERE clause:

Operators description
= equal
<> not equal to.NOTE: In some versions of SQL, the operator can be written as =!
> more than the
< Less than
> = greater or equal to
<= Less than or equal
BETWEEN Within a certain range
LIKE Search for a pattern
IN Specifies the possible values ​​for a plurality of columns
SQL WHERE clause