The best SVG path Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn SVG path - <path>,Example 1,Examples,Example 2,Examples,

SVG path

SVG path - <path>

<Path> element is used to define a path.

The following command can be used to route data:

  • M = moveto
  • L = lineto
  • H = horizontal lineto
  • V = vertical lineto
  • C = curveto
  • S = smooth curveto
  • Q = quadratic Bezier curve
  • T = smooth quadratic Bezier curveto
  • A = elliptical Arc
  • Z = closepath

Note: All the above commands allow lowercase letters. Capital represents absolute positioning, relative positioning indicates lowercase.

Example 1

The above example defines a path that starts at position 1500, reached position 75200, and then from there to 225 200 in 1500 and finally closed path.

Here is the SVG Code:


<Svg xmlns = "" version = "1.1">
<Path d = "M150 0 L75 200 L225 200 Z" />
</ Svg>

For Opera users: view SVG file (right-click on the preview source SVG graphics).

Example 2

Using Bezier curve smooth curve model that can be scaled indefinitely. Under normal circumstances, the user selects one or two end points and two control points. A control point of a Bezier curve that is called a quadratic Bezier curve and the two control points are called cubes.

The following example creates a quadratic Bezier curves, A and C are the starting and ending points, B is a control point:

Here is the SVG Code:


<Svg xmlns = "" version = "1.1">
<Path id = "lineAB" d = "M 100 350 l 150 -300" stroke = "red"
stroke-width = "3" fill = "none" />
<Path id = "lineBC" d = "M 250 50 l 150 300" stroke = "red"
stroke-width = "3" fill = "none" />
<Path d = "M 175 200 l 150 0" stroke = "green" stroke-width = "3"
fill = "none" />
<Path d = "M 100 350 q 150 -300 300 0" stroke = "blue"
stroke-width = "5" fill = "none" />
<-! Mark relevant points ->
<G stroke = "black" stroke-width = "3" fill = "black">
<Circle id = "pointA" cx = "100" cy = "350" r = "3" />
<Circle id = "pointB" cx = "250" cy = "50" r = "3" />
<Circle id = "pointC" cx = "400" cy = "350" r = "3" />
</ G>
<-! Label the points ->
<G font-size = "30" font = "sans-serif" fill = "black" stroke = "none"
text-anchor = "middle">
<Text x = "100" y = "350" dx = "- 30"> A </ text>
<Text x = "250" y = "50" dy = "- 10"> B </ text>
<Text x = "400" y = "350" dx = "30"> C </ text>
</ G>
</ Svg>

For Opera users: view SVG file (right-click on the preview source SVG graphics).

Complicated? Yes! ! Because when drawing the path complexity, it is strongly recommended to use SVG editor to create complex graphics.

SVG path