The best HTML tag list (sort function) Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn Sort function,

HTML tag list (sort function)

Sort function

New: HTML5 new label

label description
<! DOCTYPE> Custom document type.
<html> The definition of an HTML document
<title> Define a title for your document
<body> Body definition document
<h1> to <h6> Custom HTML title
<p> Define a paragraph
<br> Define a simple wrap.
<hr> Defined horizon.
<! --/en.--> Defines a comment
<acronym> HTML5 is no longer supported. Just take the definition of the acronym.
<abbr> Define an abbreviation.
<address> Defines the document author or owner's contact information.
<b> Definition of bold text.
<BDI> New It allows you to set a piece of text, text direction away from the parent element settings.
<bdo> Direction is defined text.
<big> HTML5 is no longer supported. Define large text.
<blockquote> Definition block reference.
<center> HTML5 is no longer supported. HTML 4.01 is obsolete. Defined centered text.
<cite> Define a reference (citation).
<code> Definition of computer code text.
<del> Definition is deleted text.
<dfn> Definitions projects.
<em> Definition emphasizes text.
<font> HTML5 is no longer supported. HTML 4.01 is obsolete. Font, size and color custom text
<i> Defines the italic text.
<ins> Definitions are inserted in the text.
<kbd> Customize Keyboard text.
<Mark> New Defined text with the mark.
<Meter> New Definition of weights and measures. Known only used to measure the maximum and minimum values.
<pre> Definition of preformatted text
<Progress> New Definition of running task progress (process).
<q> The definition of a short quotation.
<RP> New Definition does not support the ruby ​​element browser to display content.
<RT> New Defined characters (Chinese phonetic or character) interpretation or pronunciation.
<Ruby> New Definition of ruby ​​annotation (Chinese phonetic or characters).
<s> Strikethrough text of the definition.
<samp> Definition of computer code samples.
<small> The definition of small text.
<strike> HTML5 is no longer supported. HTML 4.01 is obsolete. Strikethrough text of the definition.
<strong> Defined tone more strongly emphasized text.
<sub> Definition subscript text.
<sup> Definition of superscript text.
<Time> New Define a date / time
<tt> HTML5 is no longer supported. Defines teletype text.
<u> Define the underlined text.
<var> Variable part of the definition of the text.
<WBR> New Provisions in the text where appropriate to add a line break.
<form> Define an HTML form for user input.
<input> Define an input control
<textarea> The definition of a multi-line text input control.
<button> Define button.
<select> Define the selection list (drop-down list).
<optgroup> Define the selection list in combination with options.
<option> Define the selection list option.
<label> Annotations to define input elements.
<fieldset> Defined border around the form elements.
<legend> Defined fieldset element title.
<the DataList> New It sets out a list of possible input elements option.
<keygen> New Prescribed form for the key pair generator field.
<Output> New Define the result of a calculation
<frame> HTML5 is no longer supported. Window or frame to define frame set.
<frameset> HTML5 is no longer supported. Definition Framework sets.
<noframes> HTML5 is no longer supported. Define alternate content for users who do not support frames.
<iframe> Defined inline frames.
<img> Custom image.
<map> Define the image map.
<area> Define the image map area inside.
<Canvas> New To draw graphics (such as charts and other images) through scripting (usually JavaScript).
<figcaption> New Defines a caption for a <figure> element
<Figure> New figure tab for the combination of elements.
Audio / Video
<Audio> New Custom sounds, such as music or other audio streams.
<Source> New The definition of media elements (<video> and <audio>) media resources. media
<Track> New Media (<video> and <audio>) element defines an external text track.
<Video> New The definition of an audio or video
<a> Define a link
<link> Definition document relationships with external resources.
<NAV> New Define navigation links
<ul> Define an unordered list
<ol> Define an ordered list
<li> Defines a list item
<dir> HTML5 is no longer supported. HTML 4.01 is obsolete. Defining a directory listing.
<dl> To define a definition list
<dt> Definitions a definition of items in the list.
<dd> Description Definitions items in the list.
<menu> List definition menu.
<Command> New Command defines the user may call (such as radio buttons, check boxes or button).
<table> The definition of a table
<caption> Defines a table caption.
<th> The definition of the table header cell.
<tr> Define table rows.
<td> The definition of a table cell.
<thead> The definition of the table header content.
<tbody> Defines a table body content.
<tfoot> Note the definition of table table contents (footnote).
<col> Define one or more columns in a table of property values.
<colgroup> The definition of a table for formatting column group.
Style / Section
<style> Style information defined document.
<div> Define the document section.
<span> Define the document section.
<header> New Define a document header portion
<footer> New Define a bottom of the document
<sectionTop> New It defines an area of ​​the document
<Article This article was> New Define a content of the article
<aside> New Which define the content of their contents outside.
<Details> New It defines additional details hidden or visible to the user needs.
<Dialog> New Define a dialog box or window
<Summary> New The definition of a visible title. When users click the header will display details.
Meta information
<head> Definition information about the document
<meta> The definition of meta-information about the HTML document.
<base> Define the default address for all links page or the default target.
<basefont> HTML5 is no longer supported. HTML 4.01 is obsolete. The default font definition of the Chinese page, the color or size.
<script> Define client-side script.
<noscript> Define alternate content that do not support client-side scripting users.
<applet> HTML5 is no longer supported. HTML 4.01 is obsolete. The definition of an embedded applet.
<the embed> New It defines a container for embedding external application or interactive program (plug-in).
<object> The definition of an embedded object.
<param> Parameter defines the object.
HTML tag list (sort function)