The best VBScript program Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn VBScript subroutine,Examples (only for IE),VBScript function program,Examples (only for IE),Calling program,Examples (only for IE),

VBScript program

VBScript can use two procedures:

  • Subroutine
  • Functional Programming

VBScript subroutine


  • It is a series of statements, Sub and End Sub statements are encapsulated within
  • Perform some operations, butdoes not return value
  • You can have parameters
Sub mysub()
some statements
End Sub


Sub mysub(argument1,argument2)
some statements
End Sub

Examples (only for IE)

Sub mysub()
document.write("I was written by a sub procedure")
End Sub

VBScript function program

Functional Programming

  • Is a series of statements, are encapsulated within the Function and End Function statements
  • Perform certain operations, andreturns a value
  • Parameter called to pass it through the program may have.
  • If there is no argument, it must have empty parentheses ()
  • Through the program name assigned to the function of the way, so that it can return a value
Function myfunction()
some statements
myfunction=some value
End Function


Function myfunction(argument1,argument2)
some statements
myfunction=some value
End Function

Examples (only for IE)

function myfunction()
end function

Calling program

This simple function is invoked to calculate two arguments:

Examples (only for IE)

Function myfunction(a,b)
End Function


Function "myfunction" returns the parameters "a" and the parameter "b" and. Here returns 14.

When you call the program, you can use the Call statement, as follows:

Call MyProc(argument)

Alternatively, you can omit the Call statement as follows:

MyProc argument

VBScript program