The best Web Glossary Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn Web Glossary

Web Glossary

The following words in alphabetical order

Access (Microsoft Access)

A database system developed by Microsoft. Part of Microsoft Office Professional Edition. Mainly for running low-traffic Web sites on the Windows platform.


Microsoft launched a program designed for multimedia controls


Allow Web browsers to download and execute Windows programming interface (API). (See plug)


Please refer to the URL.


By Google online advertising system.

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)

JavaScript and XML to create interactive Web applications "art." Use Ajax, Web applications can exchange data and update the Web server in the background (asynchronous) part of a web page without having to reload the page.

Learn more about AJAX in our AJAX tutorial


In the network: the start or end of a hyperlink.

Learn more about links in our HTML tutorial

Adobe Air

An Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) system that allows developers to use Web technologies (HTML, JAVASCRIPT, Fash) to create desktop applications.


A mobile operating system Android, developed, later acquired by Google.

Anonymous FTP

See FTP server.

ANSI (American National Standards Institute)

Create standards organization for the computer industry. ANSIC responsible standards.


C programming language with international standards.

ADO (ActiveX Data Object)

Microsoft's any type of data storage technology to provide data access.

For more information about ADO in our ADO tutorial

ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)

A special type of DSL line, upload speed and download speeds are different.


See Search Agent / Search Engine


Web browser editor from W3C is an open source, browser designed for pushing ahead the idea.


When a group of photos playing simulation sports series.

Anti-virus program

A computer program to discover and destroy all types of computer viruses.


An open-source Web server. Mostly for Unix, Linux and Solaris platforms.


See web applet.


A computer program to locate files on public FTP server.

API (Application Programming Interface)

Let the program with another program communication interface. In web terms: to make a web browser or Web server interface for communication with other programs. (See also Active - X plug-ins)


Network testing, beginning in the 1970s when the development of the Internet.


In web terms: the method used on the network or computer programs up to verify the user's identity.

ASCII (American Standard Compatible Information Interchange)

128 alphanumeric and special characters are used to control a computer store and print text. HTML data transmitted over the web.

In our HTML reference, see the complete list of the ASCII code

ASF (Advanced Streaming Format)

A multimedia data stream format. Microsoft's Windows Media development.

ASP (Active Server Pages)

Microsoft's technology, the server executable scripts inserted in the page.

For more information about ASP visit our ASP tutorial

ASX (ASF Streaming Redirector)

ASF file stores information about the XML format. Microsoft's Windows Media development.

AVI (Audio Video Interleave)

Video file format. Video compression technology developed by Microsoft.

Banner Ad

(The most common graphic) advertisement placed on a Web page as a hyperlink to the advertiser's website behavior.


You can measure by sending an Internet connection speed (amount of data). Faster connections more bandwidth


The number of symbols per second sent on the channel.

BBS (Bulletin Board System)

Public discussion of sharing, file systems and Web-based bulletin.

Binary Data

Data in machine readable form.

Bit (Binary Digit)

The data stored in the computer in the smallest unit. A bit value of 0 or 1. A computer uses 8 bits to store one text character.

Blog (Web Log)

A type of site (usually maintained by the individual) Comment log (most usually personal) opinion, explain the meaning of events, etc.


A person to maintain or write to Web log (blog).


Write or add content to the Web log (blog).

BMP (Bitmap)

The format used for storing images.


In web terms: storage for a particular site link (bookmark) for future use Web users to easily access.

Bounce Rate

Site visitors to view only one page in the proportion they leave (bounce) of.


Terms to describe the movement of the entire network users through a hyperlink to move from one page using a web browser. (See the Web browser).

BPS (Bits Per Second)

The term used to describe the data transmission speed of the Internet.


See Web browser.

Byte (Binary Term)

Computer storage unit comprises eight. Each byte can store a text character.


An advanced programming language used for programming advanced computer applications.

C ++ (C Plus Plus)

The same c supplementary object-oriented features.

C # (C Sharp)

Microsoft's version of C ++ complement similar Java functionality.

Case Sensitive

Used to describe the use of uppercase or lowercase letters sensitive


In web terms: a Web browser or stored on the hard disk of a computer Web server page copy function.


on-line Internet users between the text-based communications.

CGI (Common Gateway Interface)

CGI program and a description of how the rules of Web server traffic.


On the Web server that stores CGI program folder (or directory).

CGI Program

A small program from the Web server to handle input and output. CGI programs are used for handling forms input or database queries.


Computer video codec


See the Web client.

Client / Server

In web terms: between the Web client and the Web server and workload separate communication.


In web terms: a mouse click on a hyperlink element (such as text or images) to create an event on a web page to another page To access or access to other parts of the same page.

Clickthrough Rate

Hyperlink (or advertisement) on the proportion of time a visitor clicks on page page number has been displayed.

Cloud Computing

On the Internet to store applications and data (rather than on the user's computer).

Codec (Compressor / Decompressor)

For data compression and decompression technology generic term.

Communication Protocol

Standard (language and a set of rules), allow the computer to interact with a standard way. Such as IP, FTP, and HTTP.

Learn more about our communication protocol to TCP / IP Tutorial


(Compression) method is faster delivery of Web document or graphic size of the network.

Computer Virus

A computer program may damage the message display, delete files and even destroy the computer's operating system computer.


Web browser by a Web server and stored on your computer information. Cookie's purpose is to provide information about your visits to the site, used in subsequent access to the server.


Web development software for most platforms (LINUX, UNIX, Solaris and Windows).

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

A W3C Recommendation define Web document style (such as font, size, color, spacing, etc.) languages.

Learn more about CSS in our CSS Tutorial


In this manner, a computer program can easily retrieve and manipulate data stored computer data.

For more information about the database on our SQL tutorial

Database System

A computer program to manipulate database data (such as MS ACCESS, Oracle, and MySQL).


Database systems from IBM. Mostly for Unix and Solaris platforms.

DBA (Data Base Administrator)

(Or software) who manage the database. Typical tasks: backup, maintenance and implementation.

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

Internet standard protocol, assign a new IP address for NEE users.

DHTML (Dynamic HTML)

A term commonly used to describe HTML content can be changed dynamically.

Dial-up Connection

In web terms: a connection to the Internet via telephone and modem.

Discussion Group

See Newsgroup.

DNS (Domain Name Service)

A computer program running on the Web server that translates domain names into IP addresses.

For more information about DNS in our Web Hosting tutorial

DNS Server

Web server performs DNS.

DOM (Document Object Model)

A web object programming model. (See HTML DOM and XML DOM)

Domain Name

The name of a site's identity. (Eg:

Learn more about our domain Web Hosting Tutorials

DOS (Disk Operating System)

Based on a general purpose computer operating system disk (see operating systems). Originally Microsoft IBM PC. Usually used for the MS - DOS shorthand.


Transfer files from a remote computer to a local computer. In web terms: Web client server to transfer files from Web. (See also upload).

DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)

Based on ordinary telephone lines for broadband access technology

DTD (Document Type Definition)

Construction of a defined legal or HTML file module XMLweb rules (language) is similar.

Learn more about DTD in our DTD tutorial

Dynamic IP

It changes each time you connect to the Internet IP address. (See DHCP and static IP).

E-mail (Electronic Mail)

From one person to another to send messages via the Internet.

E-mail Address

Send an e-mail address to a person or a used tissue. Typical format is username @ hostname.

E-mail Server

A Web server dedicated email service tasks.


From the original form of data conversion, a person can only be read encrypted form can be reversed. The purpose of encryption is to prevent unauthorized reading of data.


See the Web server error.


A local area network type (see Local Area Network).


As a security filter that can restrict types of network communication behavior of software. It is most commonly used between the personal computer (or LAN) and the Internet.


Vector-based multimedia format used on the Web, developed by Adobe


See HTML form.


In web terms: the same as Newsgroup.


The browser display specific content part: In web terms. Frame is typically used to display different web content.


Windows platform Web development software. Developed by Microsoft.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

One of the most common methods to send files between two computers.

FTP Server

A Web server, you can log in and download the file (or file upload). Anonymous FTP is a login account is not used to download files from FTP server method.


Incompatibility between a computer program application or network transfer (formatted) data.

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)

A compression format developed by the memory image CompuServe. On the Internet one of the most common image formats.


Gigabyte, gigabyte A unit of computer storage.


1024 megabytes. Usually rounded down to one billion bytes.


Introduction Pictures (relative to the text) in the web context.

Graphic Monitor

A display that can display graphics.

Graphic Printer

A printer that can print graphics.

Graphical Banner

See Banner Ad.

Helper application

In web terms: A program to help the browser display, view, or work, the browser can not handle itself. (See plug-in).


Web Object (page or image) has been accessed or the number of downloads. (See page click).

Home Page

The top of a website (main) page. When you visit a site default page is displayed.


See Web host.


See Hosting


See hyperlink.

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

HTML is the web language. HTML is a term used to define the content, layout and page file format label settings. Web browsers use HTML tags to define how to display text.

Learn more about HTML in our HTML tutorial

HTML Document

Written in HTML files.

HTML DOM (HTML Document Object Model)

An HTML document programming interface.

Learn more about HTML DOM in our HTML DOM tutorial

HTML Editor

A software program for editing HTML pages. With an HTML editor you can use as a word processor, add elements such as the list of tables for layout, font size, and color of the HTML document. When you are editing it will show (WYSIWYG) HTML editor on the page will be edited contents are displayed on the page.


User input passed back to the server.

Learn more about HTML forms in our HTML tutorial


An HTML file


Code to identify different parts of a document so that a web browser will know how to display.

Learn more about HTML tags in our HTML tutorial

HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)

Rules of sending a text file by Internet standards setting. It requires an HTTP client program at one end and at the other end of the HTTP server program.

HTTP Client

A computer program, to request services from a Web server.

HTTP Server

A computer program providing services from a Web server.

HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure)

And the same but provides secure Internet HTTP-SSL communication. (See SSL)


Web page links to other pages of text strings called HYPERLINK.


Extensible hypertext, graphics and audio.


Hypertext is cross-linked in such a way that the reader can read the words, or symbols related to a file by clicking on the highlighted text or other document. (See hyperlink)

IAB (Internet Architecture Board)

A Council Decision for the Internet standard (See w3c).

IE (Internet Explorer)

See Internet Explorer.

IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)

A focus on solving a technical problem on the internet for IAB packets.

IIS (Internet Information Server)

One for the Windows operating system, Web server. Developed by Microsoft.

IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)

An e-mail server to retrieve e-mail standard communication protocol. IMAP is much like POP, but more advanced.

Learn more about IMAP in our TCP / IP tutorial


Developed by Intel computer video codec.


A global connection of millions of computers in the network. (See also World Wide Web)

Internet Browser

See Web browser.

Internet Explorer

Microsoft's browser. The most common browsers.

Learn more about the browser information in a browser we

Internet Server

See the Web server


Private (closed) Internet inside the LAN (Local Area Network) operation.

IP (Internet Protocol)

See the TCP / IP protocol.

IP Address (Internet Protocol Address)

On the Internet with a unique identification number for each computer (eg

IP Number (Internet Protocol Number)

An IP address.

IP Packet

See TCP / IP packets.

IRC (Internet Relay Chat)

Internet system so that users can discuss online.

IRC Client

A computer program that allows users to connect to IRC.

IRC Server

Internet connection IRC server dedicated service tasks.

ISAPI (Internet Server API)

Internet Information Server Application Programming Interface (API) (see IIS).

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)

The use of telecommunications standards for digital transmission to support data communication through regular phone lines.

ISP (Internet Service Provider)

Provide access to the Internet and web hosting.


By Sun developed a programming language. Most of the programming for the Web server and Web applets.

Java Applet

See page Applet.


The Internet's most popular scripting language developed by Netscape.

Learn more about JavaScript information to our JavaScript tutorial.

JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group)

It aims to promote storage and JPEG graphics formats JPG compressed images.


Storing compressed image graphics format.


Microsoft's version of JavaScript.

JSP (Java Server Pages)

A Java-based technology allowing the insertion of server executable scripts in web pages. Mainly used in Linux, Unix and Solaris platforms.


Kilobyte 10K same ten kilobytes /en


Kilobyte 10K same ten kilobytes /en


In web terms: the search engine to search for a word related network information. In database terminology: a word (or index) for identifying the records in the database.


1024 bytes. Commonly referred to as 1K, rounded down to 1000 bytes.

LAN (Local Area Network)

In some areas (such as inside a building) network between computers, usually connected via local cable. See WAN.


And hyperlinks same.


Open-source computer operating system, a UNIX-based. Primarily for servers and Web servers.


In the network: and the same e-mail.

Mail Server

See the e - mail server.


And megabytes same. 10MB is 10 megabytes.


1024 kilobytes. Usually rounded down to one million bytes.

Meta Data

Description other data. (Meta tags).

Meta Search

The method of searching the metadata file.

Meta Tags

Tag is inserted into the document described in the documentation.

Learn more about the meta tag information to our HTML tutorial.

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)

A standard protocol for communication between computers and musical instruments.

For more information about MIDI to our media tutorial.

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)

Internet standards define document types. MIME type examples: text / plain, text / image / GIF, HTML, image / JPG.

Learn more about MIME information to our media tutorial.

MIME Types

According MIME file type definition.


Hardware device to connect a computer to the telephone network, typically used to connect to the Internet through telephone lines.


The first popular Web browser. Mosaic was released in 1993, and began to spread Web.


Developed by Apple Computer video codecs. Common File QuickTime multimedia file extension.

MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer- 3)

An audio specially designed for the convenience of downloading Internet.c compression format

MP3 File

File contains audio compression MP3. The most common music tracks.

MPEG (Moving Picture Expert Group)

An ISO standard computer audio and video codecs.


Universal file MPEG file extension.

MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System )

A general-purpose disk-based computer operating system (OS). Originally developed by Microsoft for IBM computers, then developed by Microsoft's first version of Windows foundation.


On the network side: combine text and pictures, videos or sound presentation.


Often used on the network free, open source database software.

NetBEUI (Net Bios Extended User Interface)

An enhanced version of the NetBIOS.

NetBIOS (Network Basic Input Output System)

An application programming interface (API), a local area network function (LAN) on. For DOS and Windows.


In the network: and the same browser.


The company's Netscape browser. For many years the most popular browsers. Today, he led the IE browser.

In our browser section for more information about the browser


An online discussion group (on the part of the news server) dedicated to a specific topic of interest.

News Reader

A computer program that can be read (and POST messages) from Internet newsgroups.

News Server

Internet Internet newsgroup dedicated server tasks and services.


In the network connection to the Internet: a computer, most often used to describe a Web server.


From the company's Opera browser.

In our browser section for more information about the browser

OS (Operating System)

Computer Management Software Operation.


See see TCP / IP packets.

Page Hits

Times the number of pages accessed by the user.

Page Impressions

The same number of clicks.

Page Views

The same number of clicks.

PDF (Portable Document Format)

A document file format developed by Adobe. The most frequently used text files.

Perl (Practical Extraction and Reporting Language)

A Web server scripting language. The most commonly used on UNIX servers.

PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor)

A technology that allows the insertion of server executable scripts in web pages. It is used in Unix, Linux and Solaris platforms.

Learn more about PHP information to our PHP tutorial.


One method used to check the communication between the two computers. A "ping" is sent to the remote computer, to see if it responds.


In the network: computer operating systems such as Windows, Linux or OS X


Application to another application built. :( Or add) the built-in Web browser to handle a special type of program such as e-mail, sound, or movie files in data networks. (See also ActiveX)

PNG (Portable Network Graphics)

Image file storage format, its purpose is to try to replace GIF and TIFF file formats, and add some GIF file format does not have the characteristics

POP (Post Office Protocol)

A standard communication protocol e-mail server to retrieve e-mail. (See IMAP).

Learn more about POP and IMAP to our TCP / IP tutorial.


A identifies a computer IO (input / output) channel. In the network: a logo Internet applications (Web server typically uses port 80) I used / O channels.


See communication protocol.

PPP (Point to Point Protocol)

A protocol for communication between two computers directly connected to the.

Proxy Server

Internet server dedicated to improving Internet performance.


Multimedia file format created by Apple.

We can learn more about QuickTime media tutorial

RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks)

A higher level of security, speed, and the same performance server connectivity standard multiple disks. Typically used on Web servers.

RDF (Resource Description Framework)

Web resource description framework for the construction of the language.

For more information about RDF RDF go to our tutorial.

Real Audio

A common multimedia audio format created by Real Networks company.

Learn Real Audio to our media tutorial

Real Video

A common multimedia video format created by Real Networks company.

Learn real video tutorials to our media


In the network: The action page automatically forwards (redirects) the user to another page.

RGB (Red Green Blue)

It may represent a combination of the three primary colors full color spectrum.

For more information about RGB go to our HTML tutorial.


See Network Robot.


A hardware (or software) system (line), indicates that the network transmission of data on different computers.


See XML Schema.


A collection of scripting language statements.

Scripting Language

In the network: a simple programming language that can be executed through a Web browser or Web server. Reference JavaScript and VBScript.


Write a script.

Search Agent

And the same search engine.

Search Engine

A computer program used to search and catalog (index) the millions of pages on the Web page to provide information. Common search engines Google and AltaVista.

Semantic Web

Significance of a website, in this sense, a computer program can learn enough data and process data.


See the Web server.

Server Errors

Reference Web server errors.


Software, you can try for free, and pay a fee to continue to use legitimate.


Format multimedia content embedded in Web pages developed by Adobe (technical).

SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)

International standard for markup languages. HTML and XML foundation.

SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language)

W3C recommended language for a multimedia presentation created.

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

A standard communication protocol to send e-mail between computers.

Learn more about SMTP information to our TCP / IP tutorial.

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)

Allow applications to communicate with each other using XML is a standard protocol.

Learn more about SOAP information to our SOAP tutorial.


Computer operating system from Sun.


In the network: a plurality of unwanted messages sent to a mobile newsgroups or mailing lists.


See Web Spider.


Addressing a web page or a false referral email. Send e-mail as a false address.


Computer software hidden in a computer with the purpose of using a computer to collect information.

SQL (Structured Query Language)

An ANSI standard for accessing and manipulating database computer language.

Learn more about SQL information to our SQL tutorial.

SQL Server

From Microsoft's database system. Mainly used in high-traffic sites on the Windows platform running on the site.

SSI (Server Side Include)

HTML comment into a Web page indicating the type of Web server to generate dynamic content. The most common use is to include standard header or footer of the page.

SSL (Secure Socket Layer)

Software security and protection of the site communication using encrypted data transmission.

Static IP (address)

Static ip, corresponding to dynamic ip.


Such a way that the user can view the file being transferred, the simultaneous transmission of video and audio files over the Internet method.

Streaming Format

File format used on the Internet streaming. (See Windows Media, Real Video and QuickTime).

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)

A W3C recommended language defined in XML graphics.

Learn more about SVG information to our SVG tutorial.


In the network: a written notice or enter the Web File command. (See HTML tags)

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)

See the TCP / IP protocol.

TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol)

Set between two computers Internet communication protocols. TCP protocol is a free connection between the two computers, and the IP protocol is responsible for data packets sent over the network.

For more information about TCP / IP, go to our TCP / IP tutorial.

TCP / IP Address

See IP address.

TCP / IP Packet

A "package" of data on a TCP / IP network transmission. (Data sent over the Internet is divided into from 40 to 32,000 bytes long small "package")

Trojan Horse

The computer program, the purpose of hiding another computer or use computer software corrupt program to collect information.

UDDI (Universal Description Discovery and Integration)

Platform-independent framework for describing services business to explore and use the integrated business Internet services.

Learn more about UDDI information to our WSDL tutorial.


Computer operating system developed by Bell Laboratories. Mostly for servers and Web servers.


To extract the compressed file. See zip.


From the local computer to transfer files to the remote computer. In the network: transfer files from the Web client to the Web server. (See download).

URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)

Used to determine the resources on the Internet. A URL is a kind of URI.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

Web address. Standard solutions to the page file on the Internet (p) (eg: http: //


A worldwide information systems, accessible via the Internet. (See newsgroup)

User Agent

And the same web browser.

VB (Visual Basic)

See Visual Basic.


From Microsoft's scripting language. ASP VBScript is the default scripting language. It can also be used for Internet Explorer program.

Learn more about VBScript information to our VBScript tutorial.


And the same computer virus


On the network side: a visit to the site. Used to describe a Web site visitor activity.


In the network: Web site visitors. Used to describe a person to access the Web site (watch).

Visual Basic

Programming language from Microsoft

VPN (Virtual Private Network)

Private network between two remote sites to connect (tunnel) through a secure encrypted virtual Internet.

VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language)

A programming language that allows HTML documents to be added to the 3D effect.

W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)

The organization used to manage standard WWW.

Learn more about the W3C to our W3C tutorial.

WAN (Wide Area Network)

An extensive network of computers connected together over a LAN big, usually connected via a telephone line. See LAN.

WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)

An old standard for digital cellular phones and other wireless information services on the terminal.

Web Address

And a URL or URI same. Reference website.

Web Applet

A can be downloaded, and the program on the user's computer is running. Most often prepared with Java.

Web Client

A software program used to access web pages. Sometimes a Web browser and the same, but is often used as a broad term.

Web Browser

A software program used to display the page.

Learn more about the browser information in a browser we

Web Document

A file format on the Internet spread. The most common web file is a markup language such as HTML or XML format.

Web Error

See the Web server error.

Web Form

See HTML form.

Web Host

A Web server, such as a company or individual to provide web space "Host" Web service.

Web Hosting

Provide hosting services operation.

Web Page

It aims to document distributed over the Web (usually an HTML file).

Web Log

See Blog.

Web Robot

See Web Spider.

Web Server

A computer server is to provide services or information to other computers. On the network side: a server that delivers Web content Web browser.

Web Server Error

From the Web server, it displays an error message. The most common Web server error "404 File Not Found."

In our HTML tutorial to learn more about the Web server error messages

Web Services

Running on the software components and Web server applications. Server to another computer, browser, or individuals to provide these services, using standard communications protocols.

Web Site

Belonging to the company or individual pages of websites related to the collection.

Web Spider

A computer program, search the Internet pages. Common web spiders is a search engine like Google indexed pages. web spiders also known as web robots or rovers.

Web Wanderer

See Web Spider.


A character used in place of any character (S). The most commonly used as an asterisk (*) in the search tool.

Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows 95/98 , Windows XP

From Microsoft computer operating systems.

Windows Media

Audio and video format developed by Microsoft over the Internet. (See ASF, ASX, WMA and WMF).

In our media tutorial for more information about the Windows Media


A computer program to compress and decompress files. See zip.


Internet audio file format developed by Microsoft. (See WMV).

Learn more media formats in our media tutorial.


Internet video file format developed by Microsoft. (See also the WMA).

Learn more media formats in our media tutorial.

WML (Wireless Markup Language)

Old standard for wireless terminals, digital mobile phone, inherited from HTML, but XML-based, far more stringent than the HTML Information Service.

WML Script

For WML scripting language (programming language).


Computer viruses can make copies of itself and spread to other computers via the Internet.

WSDL (Web Services Description Language)

An XML-based language for describing Web services and how to access them.

In our WSDL tutorial to learn more about WSDL message

WWW (World Wide Web)

A global network of computers using the Internet for the exchange of Web documents. (See Internet)

WWW Server

Web Server and the same.

WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)

In terms of Web: To display the page being edited in exactly the same way displayed on the page.


Alternative versions of HTML forms based on XML and XHTML. Separating different data definitions and data from HTML form display. Provide a richer, more independent of user input device.

XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language)

Re-enacted in XML format HTML. Developed by the W3C.

In our XHTML tutorial to learn more information about XHTML,


XPath is set for defining XML document part (language) grammar rules. XPath is a W3C standard for an important part of XSL.

In our XPath tutorial to learn more information about XPath


XQuery is a setting for extracting information (language) syntax rules from XML documents. XQuery is based on XPath. XQuery is developed by the W3C.

In our XQuery tutorial to learn more information about the XQuery

XML (Extensible Markup Language)

Developed by the W3C Web document is designed for a simplified version of SGML.

In our XML tutorial to learn more information about XML

XML Document

A document written in XML.

In our XML tutorial to learn more information about XML

XML DOM (XML Document Object Model)

A programming interface developed by the W3C XML documents.

In our XML DOM tutorial to learn more information about the XML DOM


Programming Interface (objects), all modern Web browsers support JavaScript, using the network to exchange data between the browser and the background (AJAX) Web server.

In our AJAX tutorial to learn more information about the XMLHttp

XML Schema

XML Schema is an XML-based language, which is used to replace DTD. XML schema document describes the structure of XML documents.

In our XML Schema tutorial to learn more information about the XML Schema

XSD (XML Schema Definition)

And XML Schema roughly the same.

XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language)

Set developed by the W3C XML language, including XSLT, XSL - FO and XPath.

In our XSL tutorial to learn more information about the XSL

XSL-FO (XSL Formatting Objects)

XML language for formatting XML documents. Part of the W3C XSL.


XSLT (XSL Transformations)

用于转换XML文档的XML语言。W3C XSL的一部分。



一个计算机上的文件压缩格式。通常用于压缩文件。 使用象WinZip的计算机程序ZIP文件可以压缩(zipped)并解压缩。

Web Glossary