The best UTF-8 symbol alphabet formula Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn Range: 8448-8527 decimal, hexadecimal 2100-214F.,Examples,The results are as follows:,

UTF-8 symbol alphabet formula

Range: 8448-8527 decimal, hexadecimal 2100-214F.

If you want to display these characters in HTML, you can use HTML entities in the following table.

If the character is not HTML entities, you can use decimal or hexadecimal reference.


<p>我将显示 &trade;<p>
<p>我将显示 &#8482;<p>
<p>我将显示 &#x2122;<p>

The results are as follows:

我将显示 ™
我将显示 ™
我将显示 ™

Not all the entities in the following table can be displayed correctly in all browsers.

Currently, IE 11 is the only one who can correctly display all HTML5 browsers entities.

character Decimal Hex entity name
8448 2100 ACCOUNT OF
8450 2102 Dual capital C (DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL C)
8451 2103 Celsius (DEGREE CELSIUS)
8452 2104 Centerline symbol (CENTRE LINE SYMBOL)
8453 2105 CARE OF
8454 2106 CADA UNA
8455 2107 Euler's constant (EULER CONSTANT)
8456 2108 SCRUPLE
8457 2109 Degrees Fahrenheit (DEGREE FAHRENHEIT)
8458 210A Script Lowercase G (SCRIPT SMALL G)
8459 210B Script uppercase H (SCRIPT CAPITAL H)
8460 210C Bold uppercase H (BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL H)
8461 210D Dual uppercase H (DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL H)
8462 210E Planck's constant (PLANCK CONSTANT)
8463 210F Reduced Planck constant (PLANCK CONSTANT OVER TWO PI)
8464 2110 Script uppercase I (SCRIPT CAPITAL I)
8465 2111 & Image; Bold uppercase I (BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL I)
8466 2112 Script uppercase L (SCRIPT CAPITAL L)
8467 2113 Script lowercase L (SCRIPT SMALL L)
8468 2114 LB bars plus sign (LB BAR SYMBOL)
8469 2115 Dual uppercase N (DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL N)
8470 2116 NUMERO symbol (NUMERO SIGN)
8471 2117 Recording Rights (SOUND RECORDING COPYRIGHT)
8472 2118 & Weierp; Script capital P (SCRIPT CAPITAL P)
8473 2119 Dual uppercase P (DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL P)
8474 211A Dual uppercase Q (DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL Q)
8475 211B Script capital R (SCRIPT CAPITAL R)
8476 211C & Real; Bold uppercase R (BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL R)
8477 211D Dual uppercase R (DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL R)
8479 211F Response (RESPONSE)
8480 2120 Service marks (SERVICE MARK)
8481 2121 Telephone flag (TELEPHONE SIGN)
8482 2122 & Trade; Trademark symbol (TRADE MARK SIGN)
8483 2123 VERSICLE
8484 2124 Dual uppercase Z (DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL Z)
8485 2125 Oz symbol (OUNCE SIGN)
Ω 8486 2126 Ohm symbol (OHM SIGN)
8487 2127 Ohm symbol inverted (INVERTED OHM SIGN)
8488 2128 Bold capital Z (BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL Z)
8489 2129 Inverted inverted Greek lowercase IOTA (TURNED GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA)
K 8490 212A Kelvin symbol (KELVIN SIGN)
Å 8491 212B Egyptian symbols (ANGSTROM SIGN)
8492 212C Script uppercase B (SCRIPT CAPITAL B)
8493 212D Bold uppercase C (BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL C)
8494 212E Estimated symbols (ESTIMATED SYMBOL)
8495 212F Script Lowercase E (SCRIPT SMALL E)
8496 2130 Script uppercase E (SCRIPT CAPITAL E)
8497 2131 Script uppercase F (SCRIPT CAPITAL F)
8498 2132 Inverted inverted capital F (TURNED CAPITAL F)
8499 2133 Script uppercase M (SCRIPT CAPITAL M)
8500 2134 Script Lowercase O (SCRIPT SMALL O)
8501 2135 & Alefsym; Alef symbol (ALEF SYMBOL)
8502 2136 Balance emitter transistor symbol (BET SYMBOL)
8503 2137 GIMEL symbol (GIMEL SYMBOL)
8504 2138 Dresser symbol (DALET SYMBOL)
8505 2139 Information sources (INFORMATION SOURCE)
8506 213A Rotating capital Q (ROTATED CAPITAL Q)
8507 213B Fax symbol (FACSIMILE SIGN)
π 8508 213C Dual lowercase PI (DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL PI)
γ 8509 213D Dual lowercase GAMMA (DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL GAMMA)
Π 8511 213F Dual capitalization PI (DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL PI)
Σ 8512 2140 Double the sum of $ N (DOUBLE-STRUCK N-ARY SUMMATION)
8513 2141 Inverted inverted sans serif uppercase G (inverted inverted sans serif uppercase (TURNED SANS-SERIF CAPITAL G)
8514 2142 Inverted inverted sans serif uppercase L (TURNED SANS-SERIF CAPITAL L)
8515 2143 Inverted sans serif uppercase L (REVERSED SANS-SERIF CAPITAL L)
8516 2144 Inverted inverted sans serif uppercase Y (TURNED SANS-SERIF CAPITAL Y)
8517 2145 Double italics uppercase D (DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC CAPITAL D)
8518 2146 Double italic lowercase D (DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL D)
8519 2147 Double italic lowercase E (DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL E)
8520 2148 Double italic lowercase I (DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL I)
8521 2149 Double italic lowercase J (DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL J)
8522 214A Property line (PROPERTY LINE)
8523 214B Inverted inverted symbol (TURNED AMPERSAND)
8524 214C PER symbol (PER SIGN)
8526 214E Inverted inverted lowercase F (TURNED SMALL F)
8527 214F Samaria source symbols (SYMBOL FOR SAMARITAN SOURCE)
UTF-8 symbol alphabet formula