The best Ruby CGI Cookies Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn Cookie How does it work?,Ruby processing Cookies,

Ruby CGI Cookies

HTTP protocol is a stateless protocol. But for a business website, it needs to keep session information between different pages.

If the user site registration process needs to jump page, but want to ensure that the information is not lost before filling.

In this case Cookie good to help us solve the problem.

Cookie How does it work?

Almost all the web designers during the design of the site use the Cookie, because they want to give the user browsing the site to provide a more friendly, human culture browsing environment, but also to more accurately collect visitor information.

Writing and reading

Cookies set belongs to the collection of data objects and Request Response object, you need to precede it with the use of Request or Response.

The syntax for the client to send Cookies usually:

When set to a non-existent Cookies settings will be created on the client, if the Cookies already exist, it will be replaced. Since Cookies are sent as part of a client's HTTP transport header information, it is sent to the client code Cookies usually placed before the tag sent to the browser's HTML file.

Cookies If you want to read, you must use the Request object's Cookies collection, its use is: Note that, not only in the server before downloading any data to the browser, the browser and the Server to exchange data Cookies collection Once the browser starts receiving Server downloaded data, Cookies data exchange is stopped, in order to avoid errors, to add response.Buffer = True in the previous program.

Attribute collection

  • 1.Expires attribute: This attribute is used to Cookies set a deadline within the time limit as long as the open web page can call saved Cookies, Cookies If after this period will be automatically deleted. Such as: setting Cookies is valid until April 1, 2004, when it will be automatically deleted. If Cookies are not setting a validity period, its life cycle from the start to open the browser, close the browser to the end of the life cycle will end after each run, next run will start again.
  • 2.Domain attribute: This attribute defines the uniqueness of Cookies data transmission. If only when transferring certain Cookies to _blank "> Sohu home page, you can use the following code:
  • 3.Path property: Defines Cookies are issued only to the specified path request, if the Path property is not set, the default path applications.
  • 4.Secure attribute: Specifies Cookies can be read by users.
  • 5, Name = Value: Cookies are key-value pairs to set and retrieve.

Ruby processing Cookies

You can create an object called cookie and store text messages, send the information to the browser, call CGI.out set cookie header:


require "cgi"
cgi ="html4")
cookie ='name' => 'mycookie',
                         'value' => 'Zara Ali',
                         'expires' => + 3600)
cgi.out('cookie' => cookie) do
   cgi.head + cgi.body { "Cookie stored" }

Then we go back to this page, and look for cookie values ​​as follows:


require "cgi"
cgi ="html4")
cookie = cgi.cookies['mycookie']
cgi.out('cookie' => cookie) do
   cgi.head + cgi.body { cookie[0] }

CGI :: Cookie object contains an instance of the following parameters:

parameter description
name It specifies the name of the cookie.
value The predetermined value of the cookie.
expire Provisions of the cookie.
path Provisions cookie server path.
domain Provisions of cookie domain.
secure Specifies whether connections to transfer cookie over a secure HTTPS.
Ruby CGI Cookies