The best Ruby Web Services Applications - SOAP4R Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn What is SOAP?,SOAP4R installation,SOAP4R Service,SOAP4R client,

Ruby Web Services Applications - SOAP4R

What is SOAP?

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP, all written for the Simple Object Access Protocol) is a protocol specification for exchanging data.

SOAP is a simple XML-based protocol that allows applications to exchange information over HTTP.

Simple Object Access Protocol, is a protocol specification for exchanging data, is a lightweight, simple, based on XML (a subset of the Standard Generalized Markup Language under) protocol, which is designed to exchange structured on the WEB and curing information.

Please see more SOAP Tutorial: /soap/soap-tutorial .

SOAP4R installation

SOAP4R Hiroshi Nakamura developed by the implementation of SOAP for Ruby applications.

SOAP4R Download: .

Note: Your ruby environment may already installed the component.

Under Linux you can install the component using the gem, the following command:

$ gem install soap4r --include-dependencies

If you are under the window development environment, you need to download the zip file, and install by executing install.rb.

SOAP4R Service

SOAP4R supports two different types of service:

  • Based on CGI / FastCGI services (SOAP :: RPC :: CGIStub)
  • Independent Service (SOAP :: RPC: StandaloneServer)

This tutorial will show you how to build an independent SOAP services. Proceed as follows:

Step 1 - Inheritance SOAP :: RPC :: StandaloneServer

In order to achieve their own separate server, you need to write a new class that is SOAP :: RPC :: StandaloneServer sub-categories:

class MyServer < SOAP::RPC::StandaloneServer

Note: If you want to write a server-based FastCGI, then you need to extend SOAP :: RPC :: CGIStub class, the rest of the program will remain unchanged.

Step Two - Define Processing Methods

Next we define Web Services approach, we define the following two methods, one is the sum of two numbers, one is divided by the number two:

class MyServer < SOAP::RPC::StandaloneServer

   # 处理方法
   def add(a, b)
      return a + b
   def div(a, b) 
      return a / b 

The third step - publication processing method

Next, we add methods defined on the server, initialize method is disclosed for external connections:

class MyServer < SOAP::RPC::StandaloneServer
   def initialize(*args)
      add_method(receiver, methodName, *paramArg)

Here is a description of each parameter:

parameter description
receiver Object that contains the method name of the method. If you define service method in the same class, the parameter isself.
methodName RPC method invocation request name.
paramArg Parameter name and parameter mode

To understandinoutandoutparameters, consider the following service methods, you need to enter two parameters: inParam and inoutParam, the function returns three values after the completion of the implementation: retVal, inoutParam, outParam:

def aMeth(inParam, inoutParam)
   retVal = inParam + inoutParam
   outParam = inParam . inoutParam
   inoutParam = inParam * inoutParam
   return retVal, inoutParam, outParam

Publication of call as follows:

add_method(self, 'aMeth', [
    %w(in inParam),
    %w(inout inoutParam),
    %w(out outParam),
    %w(retval return)

The fourth step - open service

Finally, we instantiate the derived class, and call the start method to start the service:

myServer ='ServerName',
                        'urn:ruby:ServiceName', hostname, port)


The following is a description of the request parameter:

parameter description
ServerName Service name, you can take your favorite
urn: ruby: ServiceNameHereurn: ruby is fixed, but you can take a uniqueServiceNamefor your service
hostname Specify the host name
port web service port


Next we Through the above steps to create a stand-alone service:

require "soap/rpc/standaloneserver"

   class MyServer < SOAP::RPC::StandaloneServer

      # Expose our services
      def initialize(*args)
         add_method(self, 'add', 'a', 'b')
         add_method(self, 'div', 'a', 'b')

      # Handler methods
      def add(a, b)
         return a + b
      def div(a, b) 
         return a / b 
  server ="MyServer", 
            'urn:ruby:calculation', 'localhost', 8080)
rescue => err
  puts err.message

After executing the above program, start a listener on port 8080 of the local services, and exposes two methods: add and div.

You can then perform the background of these services:

$ ruby MyServer.rb&

SOAP4R client

ruby use SOAP :: RPC :: Driver class development SOAP client. Next we look in detail using SOAP :: RPC :: Driver class.

Call SOAP service requires the following information:

  • SOAP Service URL address (SOAP Endpoint URL)
  • Namespace (Method Namespace URI) service method
  • Service method name and parameter information

Next, we take a step to create a SOAP client to invoke the above SOAP method: add, div:

Step One - Create instance SOAP Driver

We can call it a new method to instantiate SOAP :: RPC :: Driver class, as follows:, nameSpace, soapAction)

The following is a description of the parameters:

parameter description
endPoint SOAP service connection URL address
nameSpace Namespace for SOAP :: RPC :: Driver object all RPC.
soapAction For SOAPAction HTTP header field values. If the string is "" the default isnil

Step two - add service method

SOAP :: RPC :: Driver to add SOAP service method, we can call the following method by way of example SOAP :: RPC :: Driver:

driver.add_method(name, *paramArg)

The following is a description of the parameters:

parameter description
name The method name of the remote web services
paramArg Parameter to specify the remote program

The third step - calling SOAP services

Finally, we can use SOAP :: RPC :: Driver instance to invoke SOAP services:

result = driver.serviceMethod(paramArg/en.)

The actual method name serviceMethod SOAP services, paramArg for the method's parameter list.


Based on the above steps, we can write the following SOAP client:

#!/usr/bin/ruby -w

require 'soap/rpc/driver'

NAMESPACE = 'urn:ruby:calculation'
URL = 'http://localhost:8080/'

   driver =, NAMESPACE)
   # Add remote sevice methods
   driver.add_method('add', 'a', 'b')

   # Call remote service methods
   puts driver.add(20, 30)
rescue => err
   puts err.message

Above we simply introduce Ruby's Web Services. If you want to know more you can view the official document: the Ruby of Web Services

Ruby Web Services Applications - SOAP4R