The best Ruby file input and output Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn putsstatement,getsStatement,putcstatement,printstatements,Opening and Closing Files,Reading and writing files,Rename and delete files,File mode and ownership,Document Access,Ruby directory,File & Create a temporary directory,Built-in Functions,

Ruby file input and output

Ruby to provide a set of I / O-related methods implemented in the kernel (Kernel) module. All I / O method is derived from the IO class.

IOprovides all the class-based approach, such asread, write, gets, puts,readline, getc andprintf.

This section will explain all available Ruby-based I / O functions. For more functions, please see Ruby'sIOclass.


In the previous section, you assigned to a variable, and then use theputsstatement printout.

putsstatement indicates that the program displays the values stored in variables. This will add a new row at the end of each line.



val1 = "This is variable one"
val2 = "This is variable two"
puts val1
puts val2

Run the above example output is:

This is variable one
This is variable two


getsstatement can be used to obtain user input from the standard screen called STDIN.


The following code demonstrates how to use gets statement. The code will prompt the user to enter a value that will be stored in the variable val, the final will be printed on STDOUT.


puts "Enter a value :"
val = gets
puts val

Run the above example output is:

Enter a value :
This is entered value
This is entered value


Andputsa different statement, the statementputsthe output of the whole string to the screen, whileputcstatement can be used to output a character sequence.


The output of the following code only character H:


str="Hello Ruby!"
putc str

Run the above example output is:



printstatements andputsa similar statement. The only difference is that after the statementputsthe output will jump to the next line, while the use ofprintstatement, the cursor is positioned on the same line.



print "Hello World"
print "Good Morning"

Run the above example output is:

Hello WorldGood Morning

Opening and Closing Files

As of now, you have to read and write to the standard input and output. Now, we will look at how the actual data files.


You can create aFileobject is used to readFile.newmethod, write or read and write, read and write permissions depending on mode parameters. Finally, you can useFile.closemethod to close the file.


aFile ="filename", "mode")
   # /en. 处理文件


You can create a new file object usingFile.openmethod, and the object is assigned to the file file. However, there is one difference betweenFile.openandFile.newmethods. The difference isFile.openmethod can be associated with the block, but notFile.newmethod."filename", "mode") do |aFile|
   # /en. process the file

The following table lists the open files in different modes:


Reading and writing files

The method for simple I / O can also be used for all file objects. So, gets reads a line from standardinput,aFile.gets aFile reads a line from the file object.

However, I / O object provides an additional set of access methods, provides us with convenience.


You can use the methodsysreadto read the contents of the file. When using the method sysread, you can use any one mode to open the file. E.g:

The following is the input text file:

This is a simple text file for testing purpose.

Now let's try to read the file:


aFile ="input.txt", "r")
if aFile
   content = aFile.sysread(20)
   puts content
   puts "Unable to open file!"

This statement will enter the first 20 characters of the file. The file pointer will be placed in a position in the file 21 characters.


You can use the methodsyswriteto write to the file. When using the method syswrite, you need to open the file in write mode. E.g:


aFile ="input.txt", "r+")
if aFile
   puts "Unable to open file!"

The statements are written "ABCDEF" to a file.


This method belongs to the classFile.Each_byte iterative method is able to string each character. Consider the following code examples:


aFile ="input.txt", "r+")
if aFile
   aFile.each_byte {|ch| putc ch; putc ?. }
   puts "Unable to open file!"

One by one character is passed variable ch, and then displayed on the screen, as shown below:

A.B.C.D.E.F.s. .a. .s.i.m.p.l.e. .t.e.x.t. .f.i.l.e. .f.o.r. .t.e.s.t.i.n.g. .p.u.r.p.o.s.e/en.


Fileclass is a subclass of class IO. IO class also has some methods for manipulating files.

IO.readlinesis IO class a method. The progressive method returns the contents of the file. The following code shows a methodIO.readlinesuse:


arr = IO.readlines("input.txt")
puts arr[0]
puts arr[1]

In this code, the variable is an array arr. Each row is an array arr fileinput.txtan element. Therefore, arr [0] will contain the first line, and arr [1] will contain the second line of the file.


The method also returns progressive output.Foreachbetween different methods and methodsreadlinesis associated methodforeachblock. However, unlike the methodreadlines,foreach method instead of returning an array. E.g:


IO.foreach("input.txt"){|block| puts block}

This code willtestthe contents of the file passed variable progressive block, then the output will be displayed on the screen.

Rename and delete files

You can rename and delete filesrenameanddeletemethods.

The following example renames a file that already existstest1.txt:


# 重命名文件 test1.txt 为 test2.txt
File.rename( "test1.txt", "test2.txt" )

The following example to delete an existing filetest2.txt:


# 删除文件 test2.txt

File mode and ownership

Usechmodto change the method with a mask pattern or file permissions / access list:

Examples of the following changes to an existing filetest.txtmodel for a mask value:


file = "test.txt", "w" )
file.chmod( 0755 )

The following table lists the different maskschmodmethod can be used:

0700rwx 掩码,针对所有者
0400r ,针对所有者
0200w ,针对所有者
0100x ,针对所有者
0070rwx 掩码,针对所属组
0040r ,针对所属组
0020w ,针对所属组
0010x ,针对所属组
0007rwx 掩码,针对其他人
0004r ,针对其他人
0002w ,针对其他人
0001x ,针对其他人
4000执行时设置用户 ID
2000执行时设置所属组 ID

Document Access

The following command to check the file before opening the file already exists:

#!/usr/bin/ruby"file.rb") if File::exists?( "file.rb" )

The following command to query whether the file is really a file:


# 返回 true 或false
File.file?( "text.txt" ) 

Following command to check whether the given filename is a directory:


# 一个目录
File::directory?( "/usr/local/bin" ) # => true

# 一个文件
File::directory?( "file.rb" ) # => false

Are the following command to check the file readable, writable, executable:


File.readable?( "test.txt" )   # => true
File.writable?( "test.txt" )   # => true
File.executable?( "test.txt" ) # => false

The following command checks the file size to zero:

#!/usr/bin/ruby "test.txt" )      # => true

The following command returns the size of the file:


File.size?( "text.txt" )     # => 1002

The following command is used to check the type of file:


File::ftype( "test.txt" )     # => file

ftype method returns a value of the following to identify the type offile: file, directory, characterSpecial, blockSpecial, fifo, link, socketor unknown.

The following command is used to check the file was created, modified, or last access time:


File::ctime( "test.txt" ) # => Fri May 09 10:06:37 -0700 2008
File::mtime( "text.txt" ) # => Fri May 09 10:44:44 -0700 2008
File::atime( "text.txt" ) # => Fri May 09 10:45:01 -0700 2008

Ruby directory

All files are contained in the directory, Ruby provides a process files and directories.Fileclasses for working withfiles,Dir classes for working directory.

Browse the catalog

To change the directory in the Ruby program, please useDir.chdir.Examples of the following changes to the current directory is/ usr / bin.


You can view the current directoryDir.pwd:

puts Dir.pwd # 返回当前目录,类似 /usr/bin

Dir.entriesYou can get a list of files and directories inside the specified directory:

puts Dir.entries("/usr/bin").join(' ')

Dir.entriesreturns an array containing all the specified directory.Dir.foreachprovides the same functionality:

Dir.foreach("/usr/bin") do |entry|
   puts entry

Get a directory listing of a more concise way is a method by using the Dir class array:


Create a directory

Dir.mkdircan be used to create the directory:


You can also set permissions on the new directory (not existing directory) adopted mkdir:

Note: Mask 755 Set owner (owner), belongs to the group (group), everyone (world [anyone]) permissions rwxr-xr-x, where r = read read, w = write write, x = execute execution.

Dir.mkdir( "mynewdir", 755 )

Remove directory

Dir.deletebe used to delete directories.Dir.unlinkandDir.rmdirperform the same function, provides us with convenience.


File & Create a temporary directory

Temporary files are created that are simply in the process of execution of the program, but does not permanently stored information.

Dir.tmpdirprovides a path on the current system temporary directory, which by default, but is unavailable. To makeDir.tmpdiravailable, with the required 'tmpdir' is necessary.

You canDir.tmpdirandFile.joinused together to create a platform-independent temporary files:

require 'tmpdir'
   tempfilename = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "tingtong")
   tempfile =, "w")
   tempfile.puts "This is a temporary file"

This code creates a temporary file in which to write data, and then delete the file. Ruby standard library also contains a library namedTempfile,and the library can be used to create temporary files:

require 'tempfile'
   f ='tingtong')
   f.puts "Hello"
   puts f.path

Built-in Functions

The following provides a complete list of files and directories in Ruby's built-in functions:

Ruby file input and output