The best HTML title Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn HTML title,Examples,The title is very important,HTML horizontal line,Examples,HTML comments,Examples,HTML Tip - How to View Source,Examples of this site,HTML Tag Reference,

HTML title

In the HTML document, the title is very important.

HTML title

Title (Heading) by <h1> - <h6> tag definition.

<H1> defines the maximum title. <H6> defines the minimum title.


<H1> This is a title. </ H1> <H2> This is a title. </ H2> <H3> This is a title. </ H3>

Note: Browsers automatically add an empty line before and after the title.

The title is very important

Make sure that the HTML title tag is only used for the title. Not only to generate textbold or use the title of queen.

Search engines use the title to index the structure and content of your web pages.

Because users can quickly browse through your title page, so use headlines to render the document structure is very important.

H1 should be used as the main title (the most important), followed by h2 (less important), then followed by h3, and so on.

HTML horizontal line

<Hr> tag creates a horizontal line in an HTML page.

hr element can be used to separate content.


<P> This is a paragraph. </ P> <Hr> <P> This is a paragraph. </ P> <Hr> <P> This is a paragraph. </ P>

HTML comments

Notes can be inserted into the HTML code, which can improve readability, make the code more easily understood. Comments are ignored by the browser, it will not display them.

Note the following wording:


<! - This is a comment ->

NOTE: After opening parenthesis (left parenthesis) need to be followed by an exclamation mark before the end of the bracket (right parenthesis) No, rational use of comments can help generate the code for future editing..

HTML Tip - How to View Source

Have you seen some of the pages and then wonder how it is implemented in.

If you want to find the mystery, just right-click and select "View Source" (IE) or "View Page Source" (Firefox), the practice of other browsers is similar. Doing so will open a window containing the HTML code page.


Examples of this site

How to display headings in an HTML document.

Hide comments
How to insert a comment in the HTML source code.

How to insert a horizontal line.

HTML Tag Reference

W3CSchool label reference manual provides more information on these headers and their attributes.

You will be in the following sections of this tutorial, learn more about HTML tags and attributes knowledge.

标签 描述
<html> 定义 HTML 文档
<body> 定义文档的主体
<h1> - <h6> 定义 HTML 标题
<hr> 定义水平线
<!--/en.--> 定义注释
HTML title