The best HTML Quick List Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn The basic HTML document,Basic tab (Basic Tags),Text Formatting (Formatting),Links (Links),Pictures (Images),Style / Block (Styles / Sections),Unordered list,Ordered List,Definition List,Tables (Tables),Frame (Iframe),Forms (Forms),Entity (Entities),

HTML Quick List

HTML Quick List. You can print it, to prepare for daily use.

The basic HTML document

<! DOCTYPE html> <Html> <Head> <Title> Document Title </ title> </ Head> <Body> visible text /en. </ body> </ Html>

Basic tab (Basic Tags)

<H1> the biggest title </ h1> <H2>/en. </ H2> <H3>/en. </ H3> <H4>/en. </ H4> <H5>/en. </ H5> <H6> smallest heading </ h6> <P> This is a paragraph. </ P> <Br> (line feed) <hr> (horizontal) <! - This is a comment ->

Text Formatting (Formatting)

<B> bold text </ b> <Code> computer code </ code> <Em> emphasized text </ em> <I> italic text </ i> <Kbd> keyboard </ kbd> <Pre> preformatted text </ pre> <Small> smaller text </ small> <Strong> important text </ strong> <Abbr> (acronym) <address> (contact information) <bdo> (text direction) <blockquote> (from another source reference section) <cite> (working name) <del> (deleted text) <ins > (insert text) <sub> (subscript text) <sup> (superscript text)

Links (Links)

Common link: <a href = ""> link text </ a> image link: <a href = ""> <img src = "URL" alt = "replacement text"> </ a> Mail link: <a href = "mailto:"> Send e-mail </ a> Bookmark: <a id = "tips"> Tips section </ a> <A href = "#tips"> Skip Tips section </ a>

Pictures (Images)

<Img src = "URL" alt = "Replace Text" height = "42" width = "42">

Style / Block (Styles / Sections)

<Style type = "text / css">
h1 {Color: red ;} p {Color: blue ;}
</ Style> <Div> block-level elements in the document </ div> <Span> document inline elements </ span>

Unordered list

<Ul> <Li> item </ li> <Li> item </ li> </ Ul>

Ordered List

<Ol> <Li> The first </ li> <Li> Second item </ li> </ Ol>

Definition List

<Dl> <Dt> Item 1 </ dt> <Dd> Item Description 1 </ dd> <Dt> Item 2 </ dt> <Dd> Description Item 2 </ dd> </ Dl>

Tables (Tables)

<Table border = "1"> <Tr> <Th> table header </ th> <Th> table header </ th> </ Tr> <Tr> <Td> table data </ td> <Td> table data </ td> </ Tr> </ Table>

Frame (Iframe)

<Iframe src = "demo_iframe.htm"> </ iframe>

Forms (Forms)

<Form action = "demo_form.php" method = "post / get"> <Input type = "text" name = "email" size = "40" maxlength = "50"> <Input type = "password"> <Input type = "checkbox" checked = "checked"> <Input type = "radio" checked = "checked"> <Input type = "submit" value = "Send"> <Input type = "reset"> <Input type = "hidden"> <Select> <Option> Apple </ option> <Option selected = "selected"> banana </ option> <Option> Cherry </ option> </ Select> <Textarea name = "comment" rows = "60" cols = "20"> </ textarea> </ Form>

Entity (Entities)

& lt; equivalent to <& gt; equivalent to> & # 169; equivalent to ©
HTML Quick List