The best HTML editor Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn HTML Editor Recommended,Notepad ++,

HTML editor

HTML Editor Recommended

You can use a professional HTML editor to edit HTML, this tutorial, we recommend several favorite editor:

You can download the corresponding software from the official website of the above software, follow the steps to install.

Next we will show you how to use Notepad ++ tool to create HTML files, similar to the other two tools steps.

Notepad ++

Notepad ++ is a text editor under Windows operating system (software copyright license: GPL), a complete cultural interfaces and support for multiple languages ​​function (UTF8 technology).

Step 1: Create an HTML file

After Notepad ++ installation is complete, select "File (F) -> New (N)", enter the following code in the new file:

<! DOCTYPE html> <Html> <Head> <Meta charset = "utf-8"> <Title> This tutorial ( </ title> </ Head> <Body> <H1> My first title </ h1> <P> My first paragraph. </ P> </ Body> </ Html>

Step 2: Save as HTML file

Then select "File (F) -> Save As (A)", the file name w3big:

When you save an HTML file, you can either use .htm can also use the extension. There is no difference between the two, completely according to your preferences.

Save this file in a folder that is easy to remember, such as w3big

Step 3: Run the HTML file in a browser

Start your browser, then select "File" menu in the "open file" command, or directly in the folder, double-click your HTML file,

Run Display results similar to the following:

Notepad ++ and Sublime Text can also tie Emmet widget to improve the encoding speed.

Emmet's official website:

HTML editor