The best HTML base Tutorial In 2024, In this tutorial you can learn HTML title,Examples,HTML paragraphs,Examples,HTML links,Examples,HTML image,Examples,

HTML base

Do not worry about the examples in this chapter, you have not learned,

In the following sections you will learn them.

HTML title

HTML headings (Heading) by <h1> - <h6> tags to define.


<H1> This is a heading </ h1> <H2> This is a heading </ h2> <H3> This is a heading </ h3>

HTML paragraphs

HTML paragraph tag by <p> defined.


<P> This is a paragraph. </ P> <P> This is another paragraph. </ P>

HTML links

HTML links are defined through the label <a>.


<A href = ""> This is a link </ a>

Tip: to specify links in the href attribute address.

(You will learn more about the properties in a later section of this tutorial).

HTML image

HTML image by tag <img> defined.


<Img src = "w3cschool.png" width = "104" height = "142">

Note: The image name and size of the property in the form provided.

HTML base